December 13, 2009

One BIG Duck

Would you look a this thing for christ sake??? Dear Lord, it’s HUGE! If I saw this thing coming my way I would run, duck or not, this is a 10 on the ‘wtf is that’ scale. I mean seriously, what is the purpose? Is there a Giant Baby Fetish that I don’t know about? One where the Baby is a Giant the Mommy is only 2 inches high or something? What do you think this is for? Certainly couldn’t fit into a tub. Stacie 1-888-430-2010
December 5, 2009

Good Baby

This has got to be the cutest named diaper cream ever! But it’s only for good babies apparently. It makes me wonder if there is a Bad Baby Diaper Smear, Cranky Baby Diaper Salve, Whiny Baby Butt Balm. Perhaps not, but I smile to think about it. This also reminded me of all the good babies that call me. There aren’t that many lol. For some reason I get a lot of the bad ones. Maybe it’s just me, I’m like a bad baby magnet. But let me tell you, when I get good boys that call I adore it. The good boys make me happy and they make me smile and fill my heart with joy. Stacie 1.888.430.2010
November 29, 2009

The Best Feeling In The World

Do you know what one of the best feelings in the world is? Besides being forced to wear a diaper to a party with just women sitting around that you know detest you lol. Being in love. Love is hard to find, it’s hard to keep and it’s hard to make last. Love is hard. I see over on diaperspace a lot of people looking for love, or someone to take care of them as an AB or DL. It breaks my heart really. I wear diapers and I know what it feels like to be turned away and made to feel less then human by someone who you thought loved you no matter what (burn in HELL ex-bf). But let me tell you something, the chance of finding that one, that one who will accept your good and bad, your lows and highs, and diaper wearing little butt is out there. They are. You just have to know where to look, and no I don’t know where that is. Sometimes, they are right under your noses. So keep your chin up, love will find you, and when it does, it will be amazing. *big smile* Stacie 888-430-2010
November 26, 2009

diapering thoughts

I’ve been chatting with an online acquaintance I had lost contact with until today. I forgot how adorable he was though, what a pity. Since then I have just been thinking of how cute his bottom would look thickly diapered. Or how slowly I would rub baby lotion over it. He has one behind I would take my time with. I kind of think all cute butts need to be powdered and then diapered, don’t you?   Mommy Scarlet
November 12, 2009

secrets stockings

  Christmas shopping can be such a pain if you wait too late, so I have gotten started pretty early. In fact I am almost done with my abie’s stocking stuffers. We have the gifts we give each other that are ok to open in front of family, and then we do naughty stockings for one another. I think abie and diaper lovers should treat themselves to a naughty stocking this year and every other year. Even if you know what is in it, saving it until Christmas Eve or whenever can make it fun.   Mommy Scarlet
October 25, 2009

Halloween Poem

IT’S HALLOWEEN It’s Halloween! It’s Halloween! The moon is full and bright And we shall see what can’t be seen On any other night. Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls, Grinning goblins fighting duels, Werewolves rising from their tombs, Witches on their magic brooms. In masks and gowns we haunt the street And knock on doors for trick or treat. Tonight we are the king and queen, For tonight it’s Halloween! Have a fantastic time this upcoming weekend, and please stay safe, and don’t take candy from strangers, unless that candy is a large sum of money or diamonds, then that’s perfectly fine! Stacie 1.888.430-2010
October 22, 2009

After Mommy’s panties

Mommy’s panties are so tempting to baby. I know you snag them when you are toddling around in your diaper and Mommy is busy. You think you are being sneaky but you are about to find out that I have known all of this time. Then you’ll find Mommy covering your face in her creamy panties and forcing you to sniff at her command. How red will your face be when Mommy confronts you I wonder. Mommy Scarlet
October 11, 2009

Meet Mrs. Pee and Mr. Poo

They are here to say hello to you, they are part of our everyday lives, they fill your diaper, with a big surprise. they play a very important role, they keep us healthy, and they most certainly never complain, but don’t every you worries, Cause Mommies love to change! Now just look at them, aren’t they sweet, like Mr and Mrs Clause, They bring us such a treat. Because bonding is what they bring, between Mommies and her babes, They work so hard to be on time, yet again they sometimes bind, but that’s okay Mommies are here, they can solve that in a jiffy, enema bag or suppository, not a problem little one, Mommies are quite Nifty! Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
October 2, 2009

New Panties

Check out the new panties I got. Are they not the best panties ever!! Now I usually do disposables but on occasion I like to play in cloth. And who could pass these up? I know a certain lil sissy who will be very happy to see these also. If she is a very good girl, maybe mommy will give them to her. Mommy Josie
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