February 3, 2013

Mutual Diaper Changes with Mommy

You love diapers and so does Mommy. I love playing in my diapers with my ABie boys. No one understands your needs and desires more when it comes to wearing than this mommy. I know just how you feel when you slip into that soft comfy diaper. How the troubles of the world just melt away. And to have a mommy who can share that diapered experience makes it even better. This mommy doesn’t just care for you, I truly understand you. And I love to talk about diapers to. […]
January 27, 2013

Furry Kitten!

Guess who got a new furry outfit?!?! Meeeee! Hehehehe it’s been a little while since I got myself a new furry outfit and got to play with other furry friends, so I was soooo excited to get it! Wearing a furry outfit is just so so sooo fun!! And then I get to play and act like whatever it is I’m dressing up as! My new outfit is a cute kitty one! I tried it on for a little bit yesterday just to see how it fit and felt. Oh […]
December 31, 2012

Diaper Talk

I love talking to other ABies on the phone about wearing diapers and what we like to do in our diapers. The other day I talked to a cute ABy boi who wanted to have a little talk about diapers. As it turned out, we both had to tinkle! We took turns going in our diapers while the other listened. He went first and I loved hearing his little sighs as he let himself go in his diaper. When it was my turn it felt soooo good because I like […]
December 15, 2012

Christmas Dress

  I love getting dressed up really pretty all the time, but Christmas time is the best for dressing up because everything is all sparkly! This year for our Christmas party, Daddy’s letting me go all out. I got special red diapers and a pretty Christmas diaper cover. It has little bows and it even says “Cali” in shiny red and green sequins!! But the diaper is just the start! I’m gonna wear white tights that have sparkles in them, and then over that I’m gonna wear a silky white […]
December 3, 2012


I love this time of the year! I love the pretty lights and all the decorations, and I really love getting lots of presents hehehe! Since we have lots of places to go over the holidays and lots of fun stuff to do, Daddy said we had to go shopping for dresses. Guess what?! I LOOOVE shopping for pretty dresses!!!! We went to the big mall in town and went to my favorite store. I got to pick out lots and lots of pretty dresses and we went into the […]
October 15, 2012

Tinkle Play

Sometimes when I like to open my diaper when daddy isn’t around and go tinkle in it so I can watch. I have to be really sneaky though, because it always ends up being a big mess and daddy gets mad. The way I do it is I hold my tinkle for as long as I can… which can be really tricky! Hehehe. But then when daddy puts me in a new diaper before nap time, I have a nice long time to spend playing with my diaper. Once daddy […]
October 4, 2012

Diapered on the road

  One very convenient thing about loving diapers is their practical uses along with the pleasurable ones. A few months ago, during the summer, a friend who is also in the DL scene took a road trip with me. It was time to get diapered on the road. It really helps to not have to stop constantly and you know how women are on the road,lol. Then not to mention, once we have to stop and pee we inevitably have to shop and gets snacks and freshen up (which is […]
May 26, 2012

ABDL Diaper Change Phone Sex

Which ABDL Girl needs a Diaper Change? I DO!  Let’s face it, it’s no fun to change your diaper all by your lonesome all the time is it? Sometimes I even call one of the Fetish Mommies here to do it for me.  They laugh when I do and say things like, “Oh Cali!” lol I can’t help it, now I know they can’t do it for me in real life, but just having a soothing voice over the phone leading me through one, or them giving me directions and […]
April 20, 2012

Hot diaper girl

I wanna be your hot diaper girl. I want you to watch me slip on my sexy purple diaper with a cute kitty in the front where mommy keeps her hot sexy pussy and you can even take pictures if you want to. Mommy Crissy loves to pose all sweetly in her diaper and matching bra. I can just see that hard cock popping out of your diaper while your thinking of pulling mommy close to you and doing naughty stuff with her. I could catch you looking at mommie’s […]
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