November 28, 2013

Holiday Traditions

There’s something about sitting around the Holiday table with good food and good people and good conversation; a time to gather and share and laugh and feast on such wonderful food; a time to eat too much and drink too much and get too loud; a time for uncle George to unbutton his pants and tell the kids to pull his finger1; a time for aunt Gertrude to criticize how cousin Sally wears her hair and does her make up and cooked the sweet potatoes this year.  A time for […]
November 11, 2013

Pretty pink sissy

I have to be pretty in pink said the sissy. What do you think? Parading around in front of the mirror she look’s so so sooo precious. Like a princess from a fairy tale I say. Thank you mommy you are so sweet to my I am so lucky to have a great ab mommy to play with! Yes you are lucky little one I was meant to care for you and be a beautiful ab mommy. There now you are all ready to go on your adult baby playdate […]
August 12, 2013

regressed and into golden showers

You are just coming in from a long day at work and  I walk in to your living room and pour my magic dust in your face. You start to feel strangely as the dust is shrinking you and making you a baby. You coo and gurgle as you watch me lay you on a towel on the bathroom floor  and then you point to your small cock and I know what that means you need your  golden thrill then I let it go a sweet release all over your […]
July 22, 2013

Can’t make it without a diaper accident?

You cant not make it an hour without a having an accident in your adult diaper you filthy little one! keep going like this and you will surely run right out of diapers in no time. I think it is time for mommy to keep you in that smelly,messy diaper and punish you very intensely with a good hard spanking. Get over mommy’s knee so I can pull them rubber pants down and we can get on with the discipline that is much needed in this situation. There now after […]
July 19, 2013

Dirty Diaper

Oh don’t worry i heard you screaming well into the night i know you messed that diaper just had to let me know about it didn’t you and mess with my sleep.Thought you would get a nice clean diaper change didn’t you man did you get a big surprise.I reached over and pulled open my night stand drawer brought out my nice little package and opened it up and took those ear plugs and popped them into each ear and went back to sleep all smiling too. Wasn’t too happy […]
July 8, 2013

Cali Kitty Toots!

I learned a funny trick this week! It’s really silly hehe… and just a tiny bit naughty… but it’s just soooo funny!! I can’t believe I just learned about it. I was having my *special* Cali playtime with a toy Daddy got me as a end of the school year present and I guess I must have gotten a little carried away hehe. See, I was uhh… ya know, like moving it in and out, hehehe… and I started to go real fast ‘cause it was feeling so good, and […]
July 4, 2013

Daddy’s Lil Princess

Boy did I get in trouble the other day!  I was trying SO hard to be good, but I spilled my chocolate milk on the new carpet and Daddy got mad.  He’s told me and told me not to take my drinks in the room with the new carpet, but I snuck it in there anyway.  I was playing with my toys and knocked the cup right off the table, and milk went everywhere!  It was awful! Daddy came in and saw the stain and started to frown.  He asked […]
July 2, 2013

Mommy’s Sweet Sissy Stephie

I, of course, have the pleasure of taking care of and being a mommy to many adult babies. All kinds, boys and girls, naughty ABies and fussy ABies, sissy and sweet ABies. But I just wanted to take the time to talk about one of my very special little ones. My sweet little sissy Stephie. My little Stephie is an adorable little sissy and a true adult baby. Never potty trained, I know she will always be my sweet little diaper girl, always dependent on Mommy and her diapers. She’s […]
May 12, 2013

Special Candy

Uh-oh. You got into the candy drawer, didn’t you? I don’t know how many times I’ve told you to keep your hands out of there or there would be consequences. Well I had to do something didn’t I, otherwise you’d never learn your lesson. So were they good? The chocolates I mean. Let’s take a look at the damage, hmm. Ohhh hehehehe, you ate all of them. Every last one. Do you know how many there were? Thirty. That’s how many came in the box. See, 30 count. Have a […]
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