October 18, 2011

Scare Me

  Oh I love Halloween!  I love all the decorations and the macabre.  And I especially love being scared and scaring others heeheeheehee!!  Now this is where being a diaper lover/ABie gets its perks – see, when you get scared sh**less while watching some horror flick or someone comes up behind you and makes you jump ten feet in the air, you don’t have to worry about wetting your pants – you already have a diaper on!!  (That’s going on the list of reasons to wear a diaper – check!!)  […]
September 29, 2011

adult plastic pants

  These teddy bear plastic pants are adorable aren’t they? I need some for my cloth diapers and I wouldn’t mind putting them on a diaper lover or adult baby either. Usually I wear disposables myself, but every now and again I want to slip on some adult cloth diapers. Maybe these would be cute for an ab boy in diapers and Mommy could get her some girly ones huh? How many pairs of plastic pants for adults do you have in your drawer?   Mommy Josie Ab dl Mommy […]
August 25, 2011

Potty Training

Mommy Maggy thinks it time you learn to go potty like a big boy. I went to the store and bought you some pull-ups because that is what abies wear when they get too big for diapers. Now remember while you are playing, if you feel like you have to go to the bathroom, just come tell Mommy and I will put you on the potty, if you go  in the potty then Mommy will reward you with that toy you were looking at in the store the other day. […]
August 2, 2011

sissy boy | Mommy’s little girl

Are you Mommy’s little sissy? You over there hiding your face while you sit in your plastic panties and diapers are you Mommy’s little sissy? I think it is you. I think it’s you sitting over there sucking on your thumb looking just like Mommy’s darling sissy baby. Why you look just like a real baby girl! Are you sure you’re not a sissy baby? I see you shaking your head but you seem to be a little sissy wissy baby. I think you are in fact a sissy and […]
July 16, 2011

County Nursery

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they had a court sanctioned county nursery to sentence certain offenders to? A judge could sentence misbehaving and naughty boyfriends and husbands to this nursery – a place where they would be forced to where diapers with pretty pink diaper covers and frilly dresses. They would have to sleep in a crib, drink from a bottle, and take regular visits to the park and museums in their new attire. They would be given new girlie names like Janey and Priscilla and Betsy. The nursery would […]
June 29, 2011

diaper punishment

Momma has told you and told you about making wet messes in your pants little girl. I’ve had it up to here with you not listening so I am thinking it’s time for diaper punishment. You wet your pants over and over and there’s no point in being in panties if you can’t keep from tinkling in them sissy pants. So I went out and I got you some cloth diapers, some baby powder, some locking plastic panties and some baby mitts to keep your hands off of your diapers. […]
May 21, 2011


Oh how I do love to take care of all my little ones…nanny loves when she gets to spend that quality time with her little ones to make sure that they are in a clean diaper and dressed to go and explore the world….now that the weather is nice…we can go for those long walks or to the park…nanny loves to see her little ones play and explore that big world around them…oh that is ok…nanny will make sure that you are safe and dry…Rachel…1-888-430-2010
May 16, 2011

sister ab sitter

Listen, I know you never expected Mom to ask me to babysit you, but she did. I’m not thrilled about it either because I’m supposed to be having a slumber party girl’s night. My friends are still coming over too, so deal with it. Just look at it this way there will be more girls around to change your diaper. You will be wearing your diapers, because Mom said you keep wetting your bed and wetting your pants. I’m not going to clean all of that up so as soon […]
May 14, 2011

diapers for you

Are you a little guy who seems to keep having accidents in his pants and in bed? I think if you are that you really need a Mommy to sit you down and tell you that it’s time for you to go back in diapers. You might try to protest and complain but Mommy has to be firm with you and tell you that you’re wearing diapers and that’s all there is to it so accept it. We can take a trip to pick out some diapers for you to […]
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