December 18, 2010

Favorite Christmas Type Character

Everyone loves Santa…except maybe if he has an ex-wife, then I guess she doesn’t love him all that much. Anyway, who is your favorite Christmas character, it can be from a book, a play, a song, you get the idea. I wonder if you can guess who mine is..go on…take a guess. 100 points to you if you picked this guy: This is the Ghost of Christmas Present. Isn’t he awesome? I think so. Leave it to Dickens to incorporate Death into a story about turning your life around. When […]
December 10, 2010

want mommy

I understand that sometimes you just want Mommy. You’re feeling sleepy and only Mommy can help you get to sleep. After a bath Mommy will give you a long drying off and put you in diapers with baby powder. It’s easier to sleep after Mommy has cared for you. There is no point in fussing you know you need your diapers. If we have to wear our diapers like a little baby then that’s just what we’ll do. It’s ok. Mommy Scarlet
November 25, 2010


  Happy Turkey day to all of you…today is such a good day to think of others but also spend time with family…so be good for mommy and daddy…since there is only a short time left before Santa will be here…have you told Santa what you want for Christmas. …I got to go and sit on Santa’s lap the other day…I gave him my list…and he told me I was a good little girl…how about you…Josie.
November 17, 2010

Mommy is here

Oh no did baby have a bad day…is he so sad that he needs to have a big hug from mommy…cuddling up next to her to feel oh so safe…knowing that whenever mommy is close by that she makes all your troubles go bye bye…yeah baby deserves mommies attention…and baby will be taken care of while in mommies house…oh so mommy will be ready for all your little ones….Rachel
November 10, 2010

Good Boy

Mommy loves when her little ones are good little boys and girls…that way we don’t have to get the paddle out and make sure that you know what the consequences are…there are only a few rules that mommy’s little ones have to follow and do you remember them…well mommy will remind you once but after that you better remember of else…the paddles will come out and you will then remember with each spanking the rules…Josie.
November 7, 2010

Sick AB

It is that time of year where we have to be careful of those stubburn colds and winter flus. So if you are feeling bad and need a Mommy to care for you, Mommy Lauren is here ready to nurse you right back to health! Mommy Lauren 1 888 430 2010
October 27, 2010


  Timing is everything in this world…so if you need a mommy to help you figure out what this may mean…I am here…since timing is everything and who wants to miss that opportunity to have that great experience of being taken care of by such a great and caring mommy…to teach all of her little ones how to behave and to be respectful of others is the main objective…so don’t worry mommy will teach you all about timing and how to make sure that you get rewarded for that good […]
October 27, 2010

Time Warp

One of my favorite costumes I wore for Halloween was the couple of years that I went as Columbia from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. It’s one of my favorite bad movies and seems to always be on this time of year (yay). I won’t be getting to go see it in the theater this year for Halloween but I was looking at some Halloween music CD.’s the other day and one had The Time Warp on it. It just brought back some fond memories. This year I got talked […]
October 18, 2010

Won't you be my Playmate?

Yes, I would like you to be my new playmate. Playmates have so many advantages; they are not only fun but necessary. We have such hard times across our world right now that it is so important to take time and play every chance we get. It is important to play because it is away to escape and release. So won’t you be my playmate? I sure hope that you will! Playmate Mandy 1 888 430 2010
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