September 25, 2010

Fat Poopy Baby

Sniff sniff. Did whittle Baby make a big stinky? Ut oh somebody is in big trouble when mommy finds out. Does whittle baby remember the punishment for pooping in your pants? First Mommy will pour a glass of water inside the back of your diaper and make you bounce up and down on your behind. The spanking is administered in 2 sessions. First Mommy will lay you across my lap with your diaper still on and use a paddle to swat your behind 50 times. By this time your behind […]
September 8, 2010

Baby Powder

Do you agree with the statement about Baby Powder? I know I do. It’s a wonderful smell that triggers some intense feelings for me and for other Mommies and Babies I know. It also has lots of uses besides powdering a bottom. It helps get sand off of you and it’s good for preventing sweat stains in white clothes. My favorite use is for a diaper change though. When an adult baby looks up and smiles because he smells what Mommy smells it melts my heart. Mommy Shirley
August 27, 2010

Last Week of Summer

Oh it’s Friday again. A lot of the babies and diaper lovers have 2 whole days off for themselves. What are you doing this weekend? Are you going to spend extra time in diapers? Hmm well whatever it is I hope that you have a fun weekend. I’m waiting for next weekend, Labor Day weekend. The last weekend of the summer activities around here. I have one last week to splash around in the outside pool before closing it up for another year. Mommy Shirley
August 22, 2010


  I hear the abies talk about celebrities they would like to have as Mommies or Sitters. Sometimes I see certain celebrities and think to myself I would love to diaper them. Today it was the magician/illusionist David Blaine. I have no other reason than I think ht would look simply adorable in one. I can’t remember the TV special or interview I saw it in, but he spoke so sweetly about his Mother. It was really touching. So you abies aren’t alone, mommies think about that stuff too.   […]
August 10, 2010

Adult Babies with Questions

When people finally realize that they are adult babies or that they like diapers they often have a lot of questions. They want to know why they like the things they like. A curious new adult baby wants to know that there are other people out there who like it too. Some of they want to tell others how they got into the diaper and adult baby lifestyle or fetish (whichever it is for them). The Phoneamommy Board is a good place to share and ask questions. The mommies and […]
August 1, 2010

Slumber Party!

Make sure you stop by and visit with me and my friends for the Slumber Party! Special Rates for calls during the Party hours! It is a great time to get to know us all better and partake in our little community! Bring your sleeping bags, pillows, come diapered or in a pretty dress, jammies, babies grab your bottles and favorite stuffed toy! And let us Party Down! Mommy Lauren 1 888 430 2010
July 24, 2010

What to wear?

Ever wake up and not know what to wear? For a diaper lover this is should never be an issue, for a Diaper lover they always know what will be the outfit of the day. A diaper but of course. This must be a great feeling to be able to wake up and not be concerned with the dilemma of what to wear. But that is not to say they are not faced with decisions, they must decide should I stay wet and if I stay wet for how long? […]
July 18, 2010

Little Brats

Yeah I know you are out there, I know because I talk to you. I am surprised at how many little bad AB’s there are, well okay maybe I’m not. I like the bad ones actually, since I enjoy discipline in the first place, not give to me mind you, but doling it out to others. Makes me a very happy fetish babysitter! Stacie 1-888-430-2010
July 18, 2010

Disturbing Lullaby

I found the lyrics to this lullaby and thought, awww that sounds just so pretty. Dodo Titit (Haitian Creole) Dodo titit* Si ou pa dodo, krab la va manje ou Dodo titit, krab lan kalalou** Then I looked up the Translation and found out what it means: Sleep Little One (English Translation) Sleep little one, If you don’t sleep, The crab will eat you Sleep, little one. Crab in Okra Gumbo** Yes nothing brings someone a peaceful slumber as knowing that if you don’t fall asleep soon a crab will […]
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