July 18, 2010

Little Brats

Yeah I know you are out there, I know because I talk to you. I am surprised at how many little bad AB’s there are, well okay maybe I’m not. I like the bad ones actually, since I enjoy discipline in the first place, not give to me mind you, but doling it out to others. Makes me a very happy fetish babysitter! Stacie 1-888-430-2010
July 18, 2010

Disturbing Lullaby

I found the lyrics to this lullaby and thought, awww that sounds just so pretty. Dodo Titit (Haitian Creole) Dodo titit* Si ou pa dodo, krab la va manje ou Dodo titit, krab lan kalalou** Then I looked up the Translation and found out what it means: Sleep Little One (English Translation) Sleep little one, If you don’t sleep, The crab will eat you Sleep, little one. Crab in Okra Gumbo** Yes nothing brings someone a peaceful slumber as knowing that if you don’t fall asleep soon a crab will […]
July 14, 2010

You Can Count On ABDL Mommy Star!

Mommy Captions – Myspace 2.0 Layouts That’s right my little ones, ABDL Mommy Star is always here for you. Everything from coddling you like a adult baby to changing your messy diapers. I love taking care of all your aby needs. I especially love nursing my adult baby on my bosom. Its a special bond that only aby and mommy can have. I love you my little one muahhh
July 10, 2010


Now this gave me such a tickle when I saw it! Poor little kitty! But then I was thinking, what a wonderful way of keeping an especially naughty little one under wraps, so to speak, hehe. Keeping them wrapped up snuggly and firmly so they can not squirm or misbehave or, heaven forbid, try and touch their little weewee in their diaper (like they try to do so very often, tsk tsk). So after an afternoon, or even a full day and night of being bound and denied of any […]
July 10, 2010

My Nursery

Look at these plush toys are they not just the cutiest thing you have ever seen? I think preparing for a newborn has to be almost as sweet as bringing them home. Afterall, a lot of time, consideration goes into all the preparing. The color choice, the furniture, how to decorate the walls, babies first toys which in my nursery would include these cutie pies, soft little cuddle bugs! Everything soft, bright and cheerful. I envision my nursery with a murrel of a rainbow, a jade colored pasture blooming wild […]
July 4, 2010


It is vacation time. I know I need one, and I’m sure most of you do too. I haven’t been on a vacation for years! YEARS!!! This year is different though, I’m taking one darn it! And even if it turns out to be the worst vacation ever, I don’t really care, because at least I got away for a couple of weeks. I am very much looking forward to it. Roll on summer, roll on! Anyway, where are some of you going? Any place exotic? Or have you been […]
July 3, 2010

The Wizard of Oz

They are playing a classic all weekend this weekend! One of my favorites and I am sure a favorite to many others as well! An all time American great to enjoy over the weekend kick back and regress. Strap on those diapers, slip into your comfy cozy pj’s, grab your favorite blankey, stuffed toy, eat some ice cream, snuggle up close, while taking a journey back to the one and only place where dreams really do come true ! Mandy 1 888 430 2010
June 23, 2010

To My Grandmother

All the things you used to do Cooking dinner on Sunday Making homemade stew Sitting for hours Telling us tales Of how poor Jonah Was swallowed by the whale Working in your garden Pulling all the weeds Wiping sweat from your brow And gently planting seeds You are a special Grandma One that we adore You taught us right from wrong And so very much more. Grandma I remember When you would sing a song You would encourage Us all to sing along And you would sit and rock And […]
June 23, 2010


Birthdays are special days. This week one of my very best friends is celebrating their 40th Birthday. I promise I put a lot more effort into her Birthday cake than this one in the picture. Her fiance asked me if I would bake her a cake if he organized the party. Fair enough, I love to bake anyhow so it was a good deal. I told him the Birthday spankings were his responsibility also. Happy Birthday to all of the June birthday abies and dl’s out there.   Mommy Scarlet
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