June 20, 2010


Look, look, LOOK! This lovely piece of sweet goodness is called a Banoffee Pie! MUST….MAKE…..PIE! This thing almost makes me weep with pure want. It’s a mixture of Dulce de Leche and Banana Cream. Good GOD! I know what I am making tomorrow, and you know what? I think you should make it too, so we can all put on 20 lbs. together, as a team, we will be fat, happy and full! Here is the recipe for you: Crust * 1 cup(s) graham cracker cookie crumbles * 1/2 cup(s) […]
June 19, 2010

I always knew that Kermit wasnt so innocent and not into little miss piggy *giggles* My little brother likes me to play with his stuffed animals, I place them into sexual positions and do little skits. He sits and laughs so hard that his diaper gets all soaky. hehehe Mandy 1 888 430 2010
June 11, 2010


*puts on cheer leading uniform* We are the(USA) (Audience) Rock your boat We’re feeling fine (Audience) Rock your boat You mess with us (Audience) Rock your boat We’ll blow your mind (Audience) Rock your boat Bang Bang choo-choo train, you let us up we’ll do our thang. We know karate, we know kung-fu you mess with us we’ll mess with YOU! *does a back flip, tumble tumble, split…shakes pom-poms* GO TEAM US AT THE 2010 FIFA WORLD CUP! Stacie 1-888-430-2010
June 6, 2010

Good Night Baby

The best way to end baby’s day is with a nice warm bath with bubbles and lots of splashing giggles. After playing with ducky in the tub its time to dress baby for bedy bye. Mommy loves powdering your bottom before putting on your diaper and feeding you a bottle and rocking you to sleep…. Mommy Stella 1 888 430-2010
June 5, 2010

My Cup of Tea!

Girls love to play dress up and believe you me we don’t care who or what you are, if we are in the mood to play and we need a playmate then you will be ours for the taking! I dress up my dolls, my barbies, my pets, and my baby brother! He fusses when I put him in my little ruffled pink dresses, specially the one with the big puff sleeves, but i just giggle and tell him the more he fusses the longer it will take! If I […]
June 2, 2010

Diaper Pins and Toys

I don’t remember seeing this kind of My Little Pony when I was growing up. I had many of them though. So now I am looking all over for the diaper pin pony or ponies. I was just telling an aby the other night how I loved playing with these Pony toys as a girl. I grew out of it fast though and they got passed on to some other little girl. If you happen to see one of these on Ebay or somewhere please e-mail me ( phoneamommylexus (@) […]
May 29, 2010

Always a Mommy

My callers always ask me about my job here at www.phoneamommy.com. I tell them how much I love it. Then they ask if I ever get tired of doing Mommy Calls. My answer is always the same, no, no I do not. I have been working here for a long time now, and it’s a pure joy for me to do so. I get to play many roles, Mommy, Aunt, Nanny, Next Door Neighbor, Random Woman who seduces the caller and on and on it goes. Now I ask you, […]
May 27, 2010


Awwww poor….er….uh…whatever that is. Got squashed! This toy just makes me laugh. I think I would give this to someone I really don’t like, I mean it’s the perfect..I Wish You Would Get Hit By A Truck gift. Don’t you think? I can think of about 12 people who I would send it to. And for those of you who say..that’s mean Stacie…yeah well it is mean, but it’s also appropriate for the 12 people who I would bestow it to, so..THERE! Stacie 1-888-430-2010
May 19, 2010

Chubby Cheeks

I love me some chubby cheeks, they are so CUTE! I just want to pinch them, or kiss them, I guess more pinch them, they are so pinchable! PINCH PINCH PINCH! Oh I could hurt someone couldn’t I? lol I mean come on, you know lil chubby cheeks are adorable, you have seen those with them and thought awwwwww. I know you have! Sometimes on the phone someone will get really shy and tell me they are chubby. That always makes me smile because to me it doesn’t really matter. […]
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