April 1, 2012

Adult Baby Diaper Lover Chat with Mommy Star

What else does adult baby have to do on a Sunday night? Why not come and join a real ABDL family? Want to chat and hang out with other adult babies and diaper lovers? Then come and chat with Mommy Star. Phone a Mommy’s chat slumber parties are held on the 1st and 15th of every month, but you don’t have to wait for the slumber party to come in and chat in our chat room anytime you want 7 days a week 24 hrs a day. Slumber Party starts at 8 pm eastern and dress code is diapers only! Mommy Star wants to meet all of you adult babies out there so come on by make sure you ask about our slumber party rates. Click my name bellow to enter chat.
March 4, 2012

Creative diapering

Mommy Practice’s Creative diapering at all times. Mommy Crissy is a big fan of Art in all things in life. When ever mommy is having a fun visit with her ab friend’s she really gets into the ritual of putting on a new diaper. She does a changing the diaper dance and that really puts the smile on her ab friend’s face. Next thing is she slowly pulls the old diaper off and get’s her wipes out to clean you all up. Then the ab powder comes out to make sure your skin is nice and soft and smelling Yummy. Mommy likes for you to creative as well so she gets out all kinds of cool art supplies and has you draw and color your diaper if you want to of course! When you are all nice and clean again in your new decorated diaper mommy dances with you and makes you giggle and smile. Mommy likes to have nap time to with you and you can dream about how when you wake up we will go to the carnival and you will get to have balloon animals made for you by the big colorful clowns. You will be so happy and entertained you will need more creative diapering. Come be entertained with me!! Call me at 1*888*430*2010 Mommy Crissy
February 28, 2012

Naughty kiss and play

Naughty kiss and play naughty I can be all day. Wanting to play with daddy pole so I can lick it all day long. I’ll even play horsey yes I will,  so saddle up daddy and you’ll see how good it will be.  I am a good girl yes I am, so good that I can make you cum back for more.  So don’t hesitate and call cause I am here for you all night long with my naughty kiss and play till the break of down okey. Call Me ~ Cali  1*888*430*2010 No Taboo!
November 15, 2011

I Have Just What You Need

  Awww, my little man keeps squirming and holding his hand down below his belly, like he’s so very uncomfortable down there.  I know what you need – a nice, warm enema to get things moving the way they should and make everything right as rain again!  Now now, stop your fussing, mommy knows what’s best for you.  You’ll feel so much better when that warm water starts flowing deep inside you! And don’t you be worried or embarrassed about that little “swelling” you get between your legs every time you get an enema.  It’s a perfectly normal reaction that young men get when they receive an enema.  But don’t worry; mommy knows how to take care of that too!  Now assume the position – on your belly with your knees under you, that’s it, now raise those hips of yours and spread your knees apart….   AB Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
November 9, 2011


Poor little peepee pants Sammy. What am I going to do with him? He tells me these hilarious stories about being a man, and about being a big boy who is too big for diapers. That’s not what the wet spots on his jeans say though. Those wet spots to me say I need a diaper, someone please diaper me. If you saw pee pee pants Sammy walking around wet as rain what would you do? He thinks I’m a meanie for saying maybe I should put him in diapers. He has a big diaper fetish though, he’s not fooling me I wasn’t born yesterday. I’ll just keep telling peepee pants that it’s alright and Miss Liz has it under control. Miss Lizabeth
November 3, 2011

Nap Time

  I always like to have a ritual when it comes to nap time.  A fresh diaper is always first, as I softly talk to you.  Next we gather your favorite stuffed animal, you blankie, and a fresh baba.  Then I gently put you in your crib and pull out Goodnight Moon to read to you.  And if you are a good abie, I will gently pat your thickly padded tushie until you drift off to dreamland.  See, nap time isn’t a bad time after all, is it?   Your AB Mommy Maggie 1*888*430*2010  
October 20, 2011

Petticoat Discipline : The ROYAL Treatment

DEAR READERS, MY LYRICS WRITTEN BELOW, ARE TO BE SUNG TO THE TUNE OF THE LULLABY ENTITLED “HUSH LITTLE BABY” **************** Hush prissy sissy, don’t say a word, Mo-mmys sick of you act-ing ab-surd… If you’re whin-ing does not stop, Go-nna pin you down and jump on top… If you still keep sa-ssin’ me, Mo-mmys go-nna throw a-way the key… To your hand-cuffs locked up tight, Give in si-ssy you can’t fight… First you will be cor-set-ed, Your tu-mmy will be sucked in.. That’s too bad if you can’t breathe, Guess you should start min-ding me… Act like you are roy-al-ty, Now you’ll dress like it, you see… In Mar-ie An-toi-nette’s dress, And wig, what fab-u-lous-ness! Make you strut your stuff just like, You’re queen of Pa-lace Ver-sailles! You’ve had it co-ming you see, For acting pri-ssy and mean… When you treat me like that slut, Your mouth will then be forced shut.. Pe-tti-coat disc-i-pline works, It corr-ects be-ha-vior quirks… When you’re laughed at, oh so rude, It co-rrects your a-tti-tude… Next comes that which makes me purr, I tear your a-dult dia-per… Then I stick my head un-der, Your dress and you start to sqirm… It turns Mo-mmy on real quick, Play-ing with your sissy dick… Forced to cum deep in my throat, You feel shamed, that floats my boat! Love hu-mi-li-a-ting you, E-ven when you cry, boo hoo 🙁 Per-haps you will act hum-ble, For a while, till you crum-ble… Un-til the time comes soon when, We must do this all again… Till you learn your le-sson son, Mo-mmy will keep having fun;) *************************** With Love To All My Naughty Sissies! *************************** XOXO, Miss Cate 1-888-430-2010 http://www.phoneamommy.com/specials.html http://www.phonesexwithcate.blogspot.com
October 6, 2011


A darkened hallway You see a figure walk towards you, slowly I come into focus, our eyes lock You are powerless to turn away…… My hand reaches out to you It caresses the side of your face Still powerless…… Not being able to resist, I lean in and kiss you gently on the lips The taste upon your lips is unfamiliar – Not unpleasant It leaves a tingling sensation, One that starts to spread throughout your body With each moment that passes Your strength seems to be melting away Powerless against the sensation…… I move to your ear, whispering Everything will be fine You try to turn your head towards mine, You find you are powerless to do so I pull your head down to my exposed breast You try to resist, but can not My warm milk flows freely into your waiting mouth, Powerless to stop it…… As my milk fills you, something strange starts to happen… You find yourself shrinking, Diminishing against my breast…… My hands now holding you… …smaller now… …even smaller… …powerless to stop it…… Powerless to stop feeding…… With each suckle you shrink Regressing even more Until at last you find yourself nestled in my arms My gaze looking down at you, Smiling sweetly, Cooing at my new baby…… Powerless in my embrace…… I turn back down towards the darkened hallway Your transformation complete …enveloped by my arms… …powerless……   Mommy Maggie 1*888*430*2010   Specializing in, among other things, ** age regression * shrinking fetish *  sci/fi /fantasy fetish **  
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