September 22, 2011

A Day with AB Mommy Maggy

What would a day with mommy be like? Well, it would start with a feeding at my bosom, being cuddled close as we rocked together in my favorite glider.  When your tummy was full with mommy’s sweet milk, then it’s a trip to the changing table to get the night’s diaper off and undressed for your bath.  Afterwards, you would be wrapped in a thick, fluffy towel fresh out of the dryer, powdered from head to toe, and placed in a fresh diaper.   The day would be filled with […]
September 1, 2011

Wet Nurse Nanny

Some say I go above and beyond the call of duty. I just like to give my babies what they need. I know I’m not a Mommy but I can be just as nurturing. When Mommy has too many little ones tugging at her skirts and her titties, Nanny is there to fill those mouths with sweet warm milk. Nanny loves to diaper abies and dress them up, cuddle them and care for them in every possible way. Nanny loves her abies like her very own. Call your Wet Nurse […]
August 30, 2011

hypno diaper boy

  Would you be able to resist Mommy if she hypnotized you to make you her diaper boy? Do you think you could resist the triggers to wet and to wear diapers for her? You know deep down that you need it and that you need your diapers. There is really no point in fighting it. You can go about like you’re a big boy and tell yourself that but Mommy knows you’re really a big baby who needs his diapers. That’s why she wanted to hypnotize you and help […]
August 25, 2011

Potty Training

Mommy Maggy thinks it time you learn to go potty like a big boy. I went to the store and bought you some pull-ups because that is what abies wear when they get too big for diapers. Now remember while you are playing, if you feel like you have to go to the bathroom, just come tell Mommy and I will put you on the potty, if you go  in the potty then Mommy will reward you with that toy you were looking at in the store the other day. […]
August 14, 2011

abdl fun time

What fun things did you love to do as a kid? Were you a hardcore bike rider? Did you skateboard? I remember skipping rope, riding my bike, blowing bubbles, dancing out in the yard, playing house, playing dolls, board games and lots of simple fun things. Growing up is no excuse not to enjoy the things that we used to enjoy as a child. Go to the store and pick up some bubbles or a coloring book and crayons. ABDL folks know how good playtime is for the soul but […]
August 5, 2011

Bath Time Abies

Some little water babies like the bath. They splash around and make a mess but they don’t mind when it’s time to wash up. Nanny lathers the soap in her hands and then lathers up her slippery water tot. There are so many precious little parts, so many little cracks and crevices to get into and keep smooth and soft. Some little ones are not as easy to keep clean. Sometimes Nanny has to wonder how one little person can bring home so much sand from the beach, or gravel […]
July 16, 2011

County Nursery

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they had a court sanctioned county nursery to sentence certain offenders to? A judge could sentence misbehaving and naughty boyfriends and husbands to this nursery – a place where they would be forced to where diapers with pretty pink diaper covers and frilly dresses. They would have to sleep in a crib, drink from a bottle, and take regular visits to the park and museums in their new attire. They would be given new girlie names like Janey and Priscilla and Betsy. The nursery would […]
July 3, 2011

Pooping Adult Baby Betsy

I really need a special kind of mommy and daddy to take care of me.  I’m adult baby Betsy and I love to act and dress like a little baby 24 7.  I wear adult diapers that look like baby diapers.  I wear cloth diapers to bed with rubber pants, and disposable diapers when my Daddy takes me out.  I’m so embarrassed when I make a poopee in my diaper.  Especialy when were out in public.  because they stink so bad and everyone knows it’s me who made the stinky.  […]
June 30, 2011

Good Times

  Sweet!  The Fourth is finally here, can you believe it?  Summer is officially in full swing now.  Time for good food, good people and good times.  I personally love fill a giant tub of water grenades and just put them out without saying a word; then seeing how long it takes for someone (who usually is three sheets to the wind) to discover them and plan their ambush on some unsuspecting soul, hehe.  I wonder…how many water grenades does it take to soak an AB’s diaper, hehehe? Ah yes…good […]
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