June 7, 2011

ab Mommy’s playtime

  I’ve put my abie boy in diapers and into his crib and now it is ab Mommy‘s playtime. Someone is being naughty though and has slipped out of their crib and into their Mommy’s doorway. You aren’t supposed to see Mommy laying on her tummy in bed and rubbing her special toy over her panties and her butt. Once I bathed you and got you diapered you were supposed to sleep for Mommy so she could have some time to herself. There you are though rubbing the front of […]
June 4, 2011

Normal is as Normal Does

  I hear it all the time – am I normal?  Is it normal for me to love diapers?  It can’t be normal to want to be treated like a baby, can it?  Well let me set the record straight – YES! You are normal!  Let me expand on that…you are normal for you.  And what other yard stick is there to measure your normalcy to? Everyone has their own likes, their own dislikes, their own preferences, and yes, their own idiosyncrasies.  What used to be considered abnormal 50 years […]
June 3, 2011

Water Play

  It’s such a gorgeous day outside!  I thought we could go outside and I would turn on the sprinkler to play in.  We’ll get you down to just your diapy, and you and I can run and jump and play in the sprinkler as it moves from one side to the next – dancing together in the make shift rain as it falls gently around us.  I so enjoy watching you have fun and laughing, and nothing is cuter then seeing a heavy diaper hang low on an adult […]
May 27, 2011

Phone Nanny Ella when Mommy’s Had Enough

Nanny Ella is here to discipline and train naughty little ones that just give their Mommy a hard time. If you are making trouble I will set you straight no matter what it takes. Forced diapering and infantilism, enemas, spankings, sissification–I will go to any extreme to break you and YOU WILL BE GOOD for Nanny. In the end it is worth the effort to behave because Nanny Ella takes special care of sweet little ones and even though you have to be good, I can get as naughty as […]
May 24, 2011

scared sissy

I hate for my sissy baby to get frightened. You should know Mommy is close by and will not let anything bad happen to her sissy baby. These spring storms can be loud and go boom all day long but Mommy is here. Just as I thought you would you went peepee in your cloth diapers when you heard that thunder. It’s OK though, we’ll get baby cleaned up and fresh again. Then you can come lay in Mommy’s arms and drift off to sleep as the lightening lights up […]
May 23, 2011

Forever ABDL

Its hard to imagine that someday I’m going to be old but I’ll always be 2 yrs old even when I’m 90 lol. I just can’t imagine ever not wearing diapers. I would be lost without them. I know most people cant relate to my abdl side and as a diaper girl its so hard to meet a guy who wants to live in this lifestyle with me and change my diapers and treat me like the little baby I feel like on the inside. I need a Daddy to […]
May 22, 2011

Mature Sex

Is your girlfriend and her friends nothing but a little tease? Are you fed up with their games and stuck up attitudes? I bet you long to be with a more mature lady, one that knows how to handle herself, one that is comfortable with her sexuality, one that wants to fulfill your sexual desires. A woman who is not afraid of a little cum. One who doesn’t get giddy or squeamish in the site of your hard bulging cock? Oh no, that is not what a mature women would […]
May 22, 2011

Bitch Boy Lesson

So I had to call your parents in for a conference. Your mother was unable to attend but your father did. Your father I must say was not only in total agreement with me regarding the lesson I suggested you were in need of. But he also volunteered to assist me. So this afternoon you will be staying after class and your father will be joining us. Your mother has spoiled you into think you are the greatest gift ever and has to be squashed, I think having your father […]
May 19, 2011

Naughty ABie Boy

  When baby boy graduated from his aby crib to his “big boy” bed he discovered a few advantages…that’s if you didn’t get caught!  Mommy is very strict about adult baby boy’s bedtime and when Mommy tucks her aby in he is in bed for the night.  Mommy would have to continually repeat herself “you’re a big boy now and must follow big boys rules” however abie boy was a naughty little one who never listened.   He also knew little guys should not be snooping in Mommy’s panty draw […]
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