July 30, 2015

Mommy for Diaper Girl

I have so many wonderful sissy boys in my nursery and I just love getting to play with them. I think it would be fun to have some time playing with a sweet diaper girl. She can join us while we play dress up and with all the toys I have for us. I can buy new outfits for my adult babies, the pair of them will look so pretty in their dresses and adult baby diapers! I would hold them to my chest and have them each latch onto […]
July 23, 2015

Adult Baby Diapers from Mommy

My ABDLs love their nice cozy adult baby diapers. I have so many stacks of cute diapers for you in the nursery I made just so you could be safe and have fun with me. I would love to spend some quality time playing dress up and dollies with a sissy boy. Maybe you just need someone to love on you while you suck on some big tits and take in the warm milk to fill you up when you’re hungry. Your crib and changing table are all ready for […]
January 17, 2014

Take Your Medicine

Ya know, sometimes I have an ABie that just doesn’t want to listen and do as they are told.  They whine or do naughty things or have themselves a little temper tantrum.  This I simply won’t put up with.   Of course this lands them over my knee for a swift and harsh spanking.  But that’s not all – oh noooo.  Afterwards it’s time for them to take their medicine: a very large dose of castor oil.  Then I just sit back and watch the “medicine” do its work.  I watch […]
November 17, 2013

Get Your Checkup with Nurse Betty!

I have just been sooo busy getting all my little ABies their fall checkups! So many sweet little ones to take care of! I have to make sure that all their little bottoms are diaper rash free and they’re all feeling healthy and happy. Adult babies can be very fussy when it comes to getting a checkup with Nurse Betty, so I have to make sure that my little ones are at ease so I can take care of them properly. I find that it’s the little things that put […]
June 25, 2013


With the auction well under way, the only two left to showcase were the two unbroken pets. I had agreed to bring an addition to the freak show I was joining and an unbroken, wild pet would be the perfect thing. A pet I could break and train myself would be ideal. We watched on as the wild pet was subjected to test after test. No matter how many licks he took, no matter the humiliation or degradation, the little pet just kept fighting back. I knew he was perfect… […]
June 3, 2013

Such a Little Crybaby!

Go ahead and keep crying like a sissy! I told you what would happen if you couldn’t act like a big boi, so don’t even start this crying and begging nonsense! If you can’t be a big boi for Nanny, then you’ll be my little girl. No! No sense crying and trying to look pitiful, you were warned and chose not to listen. Nanny has rules, and you have to obey them without question. There now, take a deep breath, dry your eyes and listen to Nanny. Bring your weepy […]
May 12, 2013

Special Candy

Uh-oh. You got into the candy drawer, didn’t you? I don’t know how many times I’ve told you to keep your hands out of there or there would be consequences. Well I had to do something didn’t I, otherwise you’d never learn your lesson. So were they good? The chocolates I mean. Let’s take a look at the damage, hmm. Ohhh hehehehe, you ate all of them. Every last one. Do you know how many there were? Thirty. That’s how many came in the box. See, 30 count. Have a […]
March 31, 2013

Mommy Nurse Betty

Uh-oh… I have a sick little adult baby on my hands. My poor sweet little one woke me up in the night, crawling into my bed with a fever. Oh his sweet little face when he said, “Mommy I don’t feels good,” just about melted me heart. I pulled him close to me and comforted him, “It’s ok honey, Mommy knows just how to take care of you baby.” And of course I do, being a Mommy and a nurse, I’ve learned just about every trick in the book! I […]
March 2, 2013

Daycare Nurse

Being a nurse for adult babies and other special patients, it gives me the chance to do fun things that I otherwise wouldn’t get to do. Just the other day I had such a wonderful day visiting an adult baby daycare. You see, they needed someone to come in and give all the ABies a check-up to make sure that they were all in good health. So I went along to the ABy daycare with my nurse’s bag ready to examine each and everyone of those sweet little adult babies. […]
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