April 2, 2010

New Easter Dress

Now won’t my baby girl look so precious in your new Easter Dress! I love to go shopping for Spring clothes. All the frilly dresses and bonnets, all the accessories, gloves, shoes, beads, and all the panties and training bras *giggles*. I look forward to getting my little girl all diapered and dolled up! Oh what fun Easter is! Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
April 2, 2010

Standing up

  A week doesn’t seem to go by that I don’t hear about some jerk being mean to someone because of their differences. Some people are intolerant of another’s right to be themselves. It’s important to stand up for yourself and not let them get you down. You don’t have to be mean back, but let them know you won’t be pushed into feeling shame over something undeserving of shame. It happens in all walks of life, not just sexuality and fetishes. Be proud to be different and appreciate and […]
April 2, 2010

Too Cute!!!!!

I was watching CNN with Anderson Cooper the other night when they showed the video of the day. Just click here and take a look at the cutest little creature you have ever seen. I must admit I never knew what a Slow Loris was and I do not necessarily agree with the ownership of this animal after finding out its naturally habitat is in the Rain forest. But you got to admit if a picture can paint a thousand words – this one can! Enjoy and Happy Easter! Mommy […]
March 28, 2010

Tea Party

With all this rain we’ve been having lately, I’ve been thinking that it’s a perfect time for a tea party. I’ll dress you up in the cutest little dress, complete with a big, floppy hat and a feathery boa. We’ll wear white, lacy gloves, and no outfit is complete without pearls of course. And for a special treat, I’ll be inviting over all your friends as well as a few of the mommies! Now mind your manners – pinkies out, napkins in your lap, and no slurping. Such a good […]
March 27, 2010

What Is This?

I have no clue what the heck this thing is. Do you? Some sort of pillow? But with silicone nipples? I can just see grandma knitting this. A very warped, not all together there grandma. I wonder if there are some sort of chambers behind the nipples that you can fill with milk, or water, or GHB. I kid. If anyone really does know what the heck this is please tell me, because I am truly stumped. Mommy Lizabeth 1-888-430-2010
March 27, 2010

What have you been sniffin?

I don’t know if I would be okay sticking my face up this dudes ass just to view the landscape. LOL I thought it was an interesting picture nonetheless; whoever made these statues making the view point their ass, well I want to meet him! Maybe Adam needs an Eve on that roof top, ya think? But instead of cement use a nice cushy material like memory foam for her Boobs and view it through her nipples. Rebecca 1 888 430 2010
March 25, 2010

Nanny says

Oh so you were wondering if you should do that or not….well nanny says you better think long and hard before you act up and do something that will get you into trouble….we don’t want to get in trouble do we…nanny will need to get her paddle out of the closet and do what she must then….so remember nanny knows all and will know if your a good boy or not….so you better behave and think about what your doing….since you don’t want nanny to give you a spanking or […]
March 20, 2010

Wet Diaper Contest

I was thinking, they have wet T-shirt contests, why not a wet diaper contest? All diapers could be weighed before they are put on. Then contestants are given two hours to get their diaper as wet as they are able (in ‘baby’ fashion only). At the end of the time limit, they would then parade, in pageant form, showing off how wet their diaper is and how far it sags down. And of course they would then be changed in front of everyone (so everyone could see that was no […]
March 20, 2010

So you want me to diaper you?

Mommy Sara loves to diaper her babies. There is such a special bond that is created when a Mommy diapers her baby. I so much enjoy the process of changing a diaper, the facial expressions, the smells, the touch and playful act. I know that we would all prefer to be changed in person, but sometimes this just isn’t a possibility and that’s where me and my other loving mommies here at phone a mommy come in and know this that we truly care about our babies and just wish […]
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