August 5, 2013

sissy training

Here you are now with your the powder pink overnight bag you are so ready for you sissy training with me! Yippeee you are so excited you can hardly stand still as I get my magic trunk of make up out for you too see the rainbow of color’s that I have all picked out for you and your transformation. You are just in awe of all my preparations I have sissy pink dress’s all in your size a selection of corset’s Bras and panties with ribbon’s and lace. You […]
July 21, 2013

Mommy’s Tinky ABy

Oh my! It smells like somebody has made a stinky mess in his diapy! Come here and let Mommy check, my sweet little ABy. Never mind all the other people in this busy park, Mommy will have to change your ‘tinky pants right here. I spread a soft blankie on the grass and lay you down. Kneeling between your feet, I pull the diaper bag close and get all the changing supplies set out. You stare up, wide eyed, at all the people milling around us and I can see […]
June 28, 2013

Mommy will show you who’s in charge

Remember yesterday, when I gave you one simple assignment? Well, your deadline is here, and it seems you couldn’t accomplish the one little task that Mommy assigned you. Mommy’s instructions were very clear. All you had to do was dress up as pretty as possible, and take a picture of yourself holding a sign that said “Mommy Sara Madison owns me”. I told you that the pictures were to be very clear so that I could see your blushing sissy face. You were warned that if I did not receive […]
June 18, 2013

Sissy Sweater

Mommy Maggie was telling me all about how she wanted to send you to Summer Camp, so when I was shopping the other day and saw this sweater I just knew it would be perfect for a sissy like you! Even though it’s summer time, the nights do get chilly sometimes, so this little sweater with the peenie on it will be just the thing to keep the chill away. And, it will announce to everyone how much your little sissy self adores penis! I can’t wait to see how […]
June 16, 2013

You do NOT pick on Mommy Sara’s ABies!

You came home the other day so upset and it just broke my heart! Cuddling you close, I held you on my lap and rocked you while you told me what was wrong. It seems a man who was supposed to be helping you was instead being stubborn, hard to deal with and unprofessional. As you told me the story of how you’d politely asked the man for help, and how he’d acted like he was too good to help you, Mommy showered you with kisses and told you she’d […]
June 11, 2013

Pretty Lacy Things

I know, I know – you thought you were home all alone, didn’t you? You thought Mommy was gonna be out running errands for a loooooong time, so you could have some nice special secret time to yourself, didn’t you? You wandered into Mommy’s room, and at first you thought, “ok, I’ll just sit here, that’ll be enough…” but it wasn’t enough. You couldn’t take your eyes of THAT drawer in my dresser. Then one were you know I keep all my pretty little lacy things. You got up and […]
June 7, 2013

Mommy Gets a New Baby Girl

Timmy, my 15 year old son had known how sad Mommy had been because I was never able to have a baby girl. Some one I could dress in pretty things, gossip about boys with, and pass on all my beauty secrets to. After much thought, I devised a plan that would show my boy how he could make me feel better. I had went shopping all day, and it must have been kismet,  because I was able to find everything I needed for my new little girl all in his size! […]
June 5, 2013

Simon Says

Last night at bedtime you were such a naughty little aby. You ran around the house with mommy chasing you to get you into bed, it was time for sleeping but you decided it was time to play a game with mommy. At first I wasn’t upset and played along with you but then you didn’t stop you continued so mommy had to teach you a lesson. You watched as mommy went into her room and appeared again with paddle in hand, you had a sly little grin on your […]
June 3, 2013

Such a Little Crybaby!

Go ahead and keep crying like a sissy! I told you what would happen if you couldn’t act like a big boi, so don’t even start this crying and begging nonsense! If you can’t be a big boi for Nanny, then you’ll be my little girl. No! No sense crying and trying to look pitiful, you were warned and chose not to listen. Nanny has rules, and you have to obey them without question. There now, take a deep breath, dry your eyes and listen to Nanny. Bring your weepy […]
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