April 11, 2010

Don't Swat A Fly

This is a just a silly song that I sing to myself sometimes. It always manages to put a smile on my face and even makes me laugh a little every time I hear it or sing it. I was just a kid when my daddy said to me Son there’s much to learn in this life. And so there beneath a tree, he sat me on his knee He said there’s dangers in this world So follow my advice. Don’t swat a fly that’s landed on a pitbull Don’t […]
April 10, 2010

In The Cookie Jar Again?

Ah-ha! I caught you! You’ve been in the cookie jar again, haven’t you? Don’t try to deny it – you have cookie crumbs and chocolate smeared all over your face from the chocolate chip cookies I just made. Tsk, Tsk! You know what that means don’t you? You’re going over my knee for a swift and stern spanking young man! Then it’s into the corner with that red and sore tushie of yours! Such a naughty aby! Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
April 10, 2010

My interesting pic of the week

Now this might make me want to study geography a little more then I did in school. How about my students? Would this peek your interest, make you want a closer look-see? I would imagine the answer to be an astounding YES. So this was my interesting pic of the week. I do love odd and quirky things and enjoy seeing when the other mommies post them so there ya go – My odd pic of the week. But my favorite video of the week is still the Slow Loris […]
April 8, 2010

Oh my

Oh my was cleaning up the other day and found so many teddy bears that my little one has collected over the last several months….they are so cute and cuddle….but wow what can we do with all the extras….little one cried when I said to give them to the needy but I explained that it would be the right thing to do since they don’t have as much as they do……then little one sat up and exclaimed that they were ours but nanny explained that little one has something that […]
April 7, 2010

Rainbow Roses

These remind me of our dispatcher Jani. She loves flowers and when I saw these I immediately thought of her. They are so pretty, a person in Holland creates them, it’s not the work of photoshop, he injects safe dyes into the stems of the roses as they grow giving us these beautiful vibrant rainbow roses. I wish I could send her some but they are a tad bit expensive lol. Stacie 1-888-430-2010
April 3, 2010

Happy Easter!

Hope all you little one enjoy your Easter! Have lots of fun dying eggs and then finding them on your Easter egg hunt. Just remember not to try and eat all your candy in one sitting, else you will end up with an upset stomach and that’s no fun. And don’t forget to wear your Sunday best – I’m sure all you sissies have the prettiest dresses to wear, giggle. Enjoy your Easter! MommyGina 1*888*430*2010
April 3, 2010

Coloring Easter

How many of you will be coloring eggs this year? I color them myself, I also deck out my house for every holiday as I have blogged about in the past. So in a few minutes I will sit down to color eggs and make them very pretty, then take them to my neighbor’s Easter Egg hunt tomorrow for the kids. I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday. Mommy Lizabeth 1-888-430-2010
April 2, 2010

New Easter Dress

Now won’t my baby girl look so precious in your new Easter Dress! I love to go shopping for Spring clothes. All the frilly dresses and bonnets, all the accessories, gloves, shoes, beads, and all the panties and training bras *giggles*. I look forward to getting my little girl all diapered and dolled up! Oh what fun Easter is! Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
April 2, 2010

Standing up

  A week doesn’t seem to go by that I don’t hear about some jerk being mean to someone because of their differences. Some people are intolerant of another’s right to be themselves. It’s important to stand up for yourself and not let them get you down. You don’t have to be mean back, but let them know you won’t be pushed into feeling shame over something undeserving of shame. It happens in all walks of life, not just sexuality and fetishes. Be proud to be different and appreciate and […]
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