January 30, 2010

Everything Will Be Okay

Sometimes, we find ourselves in a rut, or a situation that seems hopeless, and we become desperate to fix it. So much so that sometimes the fix we put on the situation just exacerbates it and makes it worse. There is something to be said about letting something run it’s course without any interference from us. A lot of times things have a way of working themselves out all by their lonesome. Although it always does not turn out the way we have hoped for or dreamed of, but it […]
January 30, 2010

Oh no….

See I told you that you better behave or else….now that Daddy came home….I am going to tell him all about your disrespectfulness and how you did not listen to Nanny….I gave you plenty of chances to obey me but you thought that you could do what you wanted without consequences…well guess again….now do as I say….go and tell Daddy everything that you did today that you were not suppose to do….don’t worry if you forget something I have it all written down and will make sure that I also […]
January 23, 2010

Cinderella Crib

Isn’t this just beautiful? It’s a Cinderella Crib, I’m telling you my ovaries are in over drive looking at this. Makes me want to go out right now and get preggie so I can have a baby girl, or a sweet little sissy *smiles* Can you see yourself being placed into this every night? Think about the sort of dreams you would have. This crib is what fairy tales are made of. Mommy Liz 1-888-430-2010
January 22, 2010

Sexual Harrasment

You’re at your desk plugging away with opening the mornings mail and looking over the days schedule, you hear your name called, its Mizz Rebecca your boss. You approach her door way and ask: you called for me?” I nod and ask you to come in and shut the door. I let you know that I am considering you for the upcoming promotion. Your lips quiver as you smile. I tell you that there is just one little thing that is lacking in your performance and in order to be […]
January 20, 2010

Little Visit….

Ok to all my little ones I know that with January almost at an end….are you wondering if you will make it through the remainder of the winter…well I have some great ideas of what we can do to pass time….was standing in the nursery wandering what I could do to entertain all my little ones but also make sure that they obey all the rules that come with coming over for a visit….so I spent some time writing down all the rules of the house and wow the list […]
January 17, 2010

Scarf to keep you warm

Here is a great new accessories that everyone should have in their closet this year. It also looks like a great way to keep warm, all snuggled up in portal boobies. I wonder what the laws of incident exposure thinks of this new dress gear? I would love to wear this while walking past the Police station and see what they would say. What do you think, think it would become a scandal here in the US? Well I say its a great Scarf and a Must have! Rebecca 1 […]
January 16, 2010

Tell Me Your Secrets

We all have them. Those delicious secrets we keep hidden away just for ourselves to dive into. We sit around and think about wonderful places, what we would do if we were someone else, how our life would be better if we had more money, and then we have those secrets that we can never speak. You know exactly what I am talking about, every one has them. Perhaps they are embarrassing, or those around you wouldn’t understand if you allowed yourself to mention the secret. I want to know […]
January 16, 2010

New Diggs for Ducky

I found some new rubber for Ducky when he misbehaves. I think he looks awesome in his leathers. I do hope he likes the new outfit I picked out for him, the gag will come in handy I am sure. LOL I will have so much fun with my Ducky…..I hope he looks forward to it as well. Rub-a-dub-dub Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
January 14, 2010

Locked in Chastity

”It’s such a shame that you are locked up in that chastity belt. Well since you can’t touch it anyway you might as well be diapered and kept in those also. “. Does that sound like something you would like to hear from your significant other? In my opinion locking up my diaper boy’s pee pee is a great way to keep him in line and behaving for Mommy. Even the most strong willed abies become pretty darn sweet when the threat of orgasm denial comes up.   Mommy Scarlet
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