October 25, 2009

Happy Halloween!

I hope everyone has plans to go out on Halloween, I will be waiting at my door with lots of candy for the Trick or Treaters. I enjoy looking at the costumes, espeically all the princesses and fairies. Tinkerbell is hot this year so I’m thinking I will see a lot of tinks at my door. What will you be doing? How will you dress up this year? Be safe and don’t eat too much candy! Liz 1-888-430-2010
October 22, 2009

After Mommy’s panties

Mommy’s panties are so tempting to baby. I know you snag them when you are toddling around in your diaper and Mommy is busy. You think you are being sneaky but you are about to find out that I have known all of this time. Then you’ll find Mommy covering your face in her creamy panties and forcing you to sniff at her command. How red will your face be when Mommy confronts you I wonder. Mommy Scarlet
October 16, 2009

I know you need a spanking! Naughty little adult babies aren’t going to be tolerated when Mean Mommy Lexus is here to set you straight. Discipline, enemas, humiliation, sissification and more! Do I have you shaking in your diapers yet? You should be! Mommy Lexus enjoys hearing your confessions, disciplining and punishing you, teaching you manners and obedience, and all kinds of role play scenarios. If you are a bad baby and you know it, Call Mommy Now because if you can learn to behave, you might get some special […]
October 15, 2009

Who would you be?

What’s your all time favorite oldie? I would say mine is Gilligan’s Island. If I were to be any character on that show I would think I would be Maryann. I think they would all look sooo cute in a nappy! Mostly, Maryann and Gilligan. Who do you think better represents you? The professor? Gilligan? the Millionaire? Or maybe you were more of a Brady Bunch fan? Who would you have been Greg? Peter? Or Bobbie? I would love to play Carol Brady and have fun with my three boys! […]
October 11, 2009

Sissy Training

There is more to training a sissy then being harsh and doling out punishments. Although punishing a sissy is great fun, it need to be in balance with praise and affection. Otherwise what is the point? A Domme/Mommy should be strong in demeanor and never giving in. The sissy need guidance and needs to learn rules and proper ettiquette and what is expected of them at all times. Never left to become complacient or comfortable, keep them on their high heeled toes so to speak. I love sissies, I have […]
October 8, 2009

Mommy’s costumed sissy

What a cute little costume. Some sissy would look very sexy as a little Eskimo cutie. I am in love with the velvet skater dress, the hood, the cute white boots, all of it. Just think of all of the compliments you would get if Mommy took you out in this. I’d take you to get your legs all nice and smooth, and to have your hair done just so. Then I would show you off to everyone.   Scarlet
October 5, 2009

Let Me Plug You Up!

Roll over baby and let me in, I wanna play with that tight little man hole of yours. I wanna satisfy that urge you have. Isnt it lovely? Dont the pink at the tip remind you of my sweet pussy lips? Let me plug you up dear, let me play with that tight little ass of yours! Sara 1 888 430 2010
October 1, 2009

surprise spanking

  A few days ago my husband woke up late for work. When he woke up a couple of hours late he found me sitting in the corner of our room in a chair just in my slip. I glared at him as he hopped up and stumbled for the closet. “Over here.” I said calmly as I held up a small leather paddle. He said something about when he got home he knew he was going to get it, but he really had to get going and call his […]
September 27, 2009

Mommy Lexus has no choice but to put you in diapers!

Mommy is so disappointed in you right now! You wet your pants at the mall and now I have no other choice than to put a diaper on you, after cleaning up your weewee butt of course. Now that you have a diaper on, I’m going to treat you like the aby you are, not the grown up man that you’re pretending to be! That includes you drinking out of a baby ba ba & sucking on a binky. Mommy Lexus can be a very nurturing mommy, all I want […]
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