April 4, 2009

~*~Pick Your Poison~*~

Do you remember in the old days, when you would have to go out back and pick out a switch to be used on you when you were naughty? Well, Mommy Gina still believes in that. But instead of a switch, you will have to pick the instrument that will be used to punish you. I have a wide assortment for all you naughty little ones to choose from. Now Mommy Gina doesn’t want to spank you, but you must learn to behave and do as you’re told! So call […]
March 23, 2009

All in a Day’s Work……

Oh, my little one you are all wet and sticky. What have you gotten into? Mommy Sara told you not to mess yourself. I told you to wear that diaper. But nooooo, you refused to listen to Mommy. That’s it! I’m done your gona get cleaned up and into that diaper if it’s the last thing I ever make you do! Now come on come with Mommy into the bathroom where I can wash you all up. First let me get those hands, you were diggin all in that messy […]
March 18, 2009

Shhhh! Don't tell anyone

Hello Boys, I’m Mommy Gina. I’ll show you what a grown woman looks like down there, and what you can do! I’ll show you what to do! Don’t tell anyone though, it’s our little secret! Let’s go into the other room, and you can call and tell me all about the secret feelings you’ve been having lately. Daddy can’t hear us, you can tell Mommy Soccermom gina 1-888-430-2010
March 15, 2009

A Little Bit of Pain is Pleasurable

Sara likes a little bit of pain. One of my latest new torturing devices is my tweezers. I like to pluck that hair out of your head, your arm pits, your private area *giggles* don’t be scared now, it really is rather enjoyable. It’s like a twinge of delight. And when it’s done just right in the right area it can be very erotic! Mommy Sara 1-888-430-2010
March 12, 2009

stay calm

Life has been a little bit stressful lately. I don’t think it is just me though, I think other people feel that way too. So more and more I am looking for relaxing looking scenery in photos online. Places that I can imagine myself being, and it helps me stay calm. There are lots of places to find magnificent nature images that would take your breath away if you saw them in real life. That’s the sort I enjoy looking at. Scarlet
March 5, 2009

Diaper adventures

Do you have an adventure, as you are off to buy diapers? Is this how you feel when you go out to buy them? I know some diaper lovers and abies feel this way. It’s their secret garden, and it makes their pulse race to purchase them. I just love to hear about those experiences. They may seem mundane to some, but what excites you excites me. Scarlet
March 2, 2009


You need to be put in your place little man! You need to be put back in diapers, dressed up like the little sissy you are! Here after I diaper you I will place these panties that have locks on it, you will not be allowed to change till I say you can and only I have the key! Now cum be a good boy, and put on the sun dress Mommy bought for you today you need to look presentable because I want to parade you around in public. […]
February 23, 2009


Mommy Sara is wanting to play with all her babies. Mommy loves to breastfeed her abies and force them to wear diapers! Mommy can help you with that little stiff pee pee, Mommy promises to take special care of her lil ones. But if your naughty watch out because Mommy Sara will gladly take you over her knee! Mommy Sara 1888-430-2010
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