April 1, 2018

Diapered Cuckold

Jeff sighed, looking at himself in the mirror had never made him feel quite like this before, that embarrassment in the pit of his stomach mixed with such an intense arousal it made it difficult to think straight. She owned him, that much was painfully clear at this point, and while it terrified him to imagine anyone seeing him like this, he had really come to love the feeling utter submission that being in this big, fluffy adult baby diaper brought him. He had drawn on it, per her request, […]
March 16, 2018

Forced Diapered And Publicly Humiliated!

So earlier this week I got a date planned for this guy and I met him at a fetish club and he was looking to try something new and was looking for a Mistress. So I invited him over to my house for dinner, I had something very exciting to try. He  arrives and I let him and Immediately commanded him to take off all of his clothes and get on his knees.  I place a hot pink Collar around his neck. A Bondage hood over his head that was […]
June 19, 2017

Forced Sissy Punishment

How about we play a little game, dear? See, you’ve turned out to be an absolute horrible husband and an even worse example of a man. You expect me to wait on you hand and foot, and you can’t seem to help but leave tracks in all of your underwear! I shouldn’t have to put up with this from a grown man, but you know who else acts like this, and it’s expected? Babies! Which is why I’m going to dress you up like one, thick adult diapers and all.  […]
June 18, 2017

Forced Back Into Adult Diapers

Get up my sweet boy it’s time for school! Wake up! I am going to go grab your lunch and your better be up and dressed do you understand me? Good boy I walk into the kitchen and grab your lunch and come and check on you! Om what is that wet spot in the middle of the bed?  What do you mean that you may have had a little accident? That is unacceptable What did I tell you would happen if this happened again? Hm? Well since you don’t […]
April 9, 2017

Crissy Likes Beastiality

Are you a dirty freaky girl like me who likes the nasty side of no taboo phone sex? I’m talking no limits no boundaries everything is on the table and up for grabs! Speaking of freaky fetishes. I got a call last night from a regular of mine and he really is out there with his fetishes, and turn on’s and that just makes him that much more fun. He tells me about his neighbor’s dog he always sees out in the yard. It’s a cute dog and he tells me […]
November 20, 2016

Want To Go Dress Shopping Part 2

now we put on your plastic panties and then some pretty white pantyhose right then a pretty hello kitty skirt and shirt that barely fits you! Now let’s grab your shoes and slide them on you and then your diaper bag and cup. Now its time to put you in your car seat and strap you in all nice and cozy! Now we are backing out of the driveway and we have a couple of stores we are going to go to the first one we pull into is old […]
July 3, 2016

Public Punishment

So let me tell you how my date went the other night ! We went out to eat. By the way ,  I am a very demanding date! I gotta be in control at all times! Don’t think about making any decisions without me making them for you! Well, when was getting ready to leave i slipped him a bright pink package and told him to open it, right here at the table. Once he opened it he pulled out a pair of sheer pink panties and a nice butt […]
July 2, 2016

Diaper Humiliation !

Did you think that I didn’t see you with your hands in your Bambinos Diaper? Silly Sissy fag! Mommy sees everything. Since you wanna masturbate like a big boy, momma’s going to show you what it’s like to be one! We are going to have some fun with you !! First we are going to call daddy in here and have you play with Daddy! Would you like that Sissy fag ? I bet you would!! Oh look you getting a nice size hard on. Are you thinking of all […]
April 24, 2016

Sissy Humiliation

You would do anything to make your mommy happy. You my favorite, obedient little sissy baby. I tell you that decided that its time for the world to know who you are. Your eyes get wide with fear. All you can think about is what your neighbors and coworkers would think. You’re a very powerful man in this town and being labeled as a sissy baby would ruin you. Of course humiliating you gives me pleasure so I shrug you off and tell you that if you don’t reveal yourself, […]
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