January 23, 2011

Diapered by the Dozen!

I am thinking of a new contest to hold. Anyone have any yummy ideas? My latest one was held for the smallest pee pee and the Winner was announced on my blog site… Baby Luke with 2 Inches! So now I am thinking of one that would involve how many diapers you could possibly get on. How does everyone like the sound of it? Anyone who knows me knows how much I like thick diapers and that I have been known to put many diapers on my little ones. For […]
January 23, 2011

When Was The Last Time

When was the last time you told someone that you wear a diaper, or that you are a sissy, or LG or LB? I know first hand how horrible it can be, I had my own experience with an ex-bf, and lets just say it went really really not well at all. In the end was reduced to tears, and felt dirty and like something was seriously wrong with me. I did however come to realize that the only thing that was wrong with me was staying with him as […]
January 22, 2011

Down the Diaper Isle

~ Confusing, isn’t it? The diaper isle – it’s a little like going down the rabbit hole. There are so many styles and brands and sizes to choose from. One doesn’t know where to begin. There there little one, it will be ok. All you need is a little help. Just go right up to the sales lady and tell her your problem. That your mommy sent you to get diapers and you are not sure what kind to get. Tell her how often you wear them, and how often […]
January 21, 2011

American Idol

Usually I do not watch this show, because frankly the audition embarrass me, that’s right they embarrass ME! lol. I watched the first show the first year and had to turn it off, I just couldn’t take it. It’s a new season and I decided that I would give it another shot at watching it. There are some people out there with some amazing voices, and then…there are those who embarrass me over the air waves lol. But you have to give it to them, they are passionate, and enjoy […]
January 19, 2011


While Daddy is away, Mommy Lauren must play! And you know what that means, dont you my love? Let us plan for just a cozy night here at home, just the two of us. I would enjoy if you help me with my bubble bath, I will show you how to use that loafa on me, allow you to wash my long beautiful hair. I will let you dry me off using the soft towel along my thighs, your hands tremble as you rub my sweet pussy, you begin to […]
January 16, 2011

Diaper Dreams

I had a very very strange dream a couple of nights ago. I was walking down a road and I came up on a house, and there were all these AB’s crawling around outside in the grass lol. They were like a flock of birds, like moving as one, one would go to the right they would all go to the right, it was a flock of AB’s. Anyway, there was this woman yelling out the window for them to get in the house, of course they weren’t listening. So […]
January 16, 2011


I do my best every day to be in a happy dappy mood.  And when I think about things, and all that I have (which isn’t much) I find myself very lucky compaired to some.  I have a roof over my head, food, health, good friends and I get to tease the hecky out of most of you on the phone *giggle*.  Granted, sometimes life gets hard, but all in all, my life is wonderful.  I may not be rich, or have the fanciest clothing, or eat gourmet food, or […]
January 16, 2011

SciFi Fantasy

One of the most fascinating things about phone sex is that of the imagination. Going beyond the norms of reality and branching out into the unknown and sometimes the forbidden. Most people who know me know my interest with Aliens, UFOs and the supernatural. Often times such interest can splendidly intertwine into hot fucking sex! Imagine an alien species that come and take us over, horrid terrifying creatures that have an insatiable sexual drive. The creature corners me, towers over me, his foul breath searing down my neck as he […]
January 16, 2011

The Package

It was mid-morning when my doorbell rings. It was the fed-ex delivery guy; he had a package for you, my dear sweet neighbor and boyfriend to my best friend Becky. But no one is there, and he doesn’t feel comfortable leaving it on the doorstep. He asks if I wouldn’t mind holding it for you until you get home. ~ Being the helpful neighbor that I am, naturally I told the fed-ex guy that I would be more then happy to accept the package for you. But when I got […]
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