August 10, 2010

Adult Babies with Questions

When people finally realize that they are adult babies or that they like diapers they often have a lot of questions. They want to know why they like the things they like. A curious new adult baby wants to know that there are other people out there who like it too. Some of they want to tell others how they got into the diaper and adult baby lifestyle or fetish (whichever it is for them). The Phoneamommy Board is a good place to share and ask questions. The mommies and […]
August 8, 2010

Where did the year go…..

I tell ya, I just cannot believe that 2010 is half way over, right around the corner awaits Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas we will be in a 2011 before we know it! I think being in the business I am in doesn’t help with time flying by, when you like what you do the time just flies and that it did! Fall is fast approaching and we will all be once again busy with the holiday hustle and bustle, visiting with friends and family, even having to deal with […]
August 8, 2010

Classical Music

Back in the day when I used to have my very own sissy in r/t, one of my favorite things to do was have her put on a ballet for me. Not just a little dance that lasts a couple of minutes, but a full ballet. Of course it didn’t have to be perfect but it did have to be done. I would get all dressed up just as if I were going to the MET in New York, and of course my sweet little one would have has many […]
August 5, 2010


I used to be a big time gamer. I used to spend untold hours in front of my gaming system just…killing stuff. lol Unfortunately I do not get to game that much, if at all anymore. I miss it, but I still keep up on new games that are coming out and what’s new in the gaming news. One thing that I just read, not even 4 minutes ago is about Halo. Everybody knows about Halo and if you do not…where ya been? Anyway, some guy made Halo into a […]
August 1, 2010


Yesterday I was speaking to my sister on the phone and she told me that her and her family were going to a carnival that night. I have to say I became somewhat jealous. I miss going to them. Especially eating the cotton candy and caramel apples. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. We used to go to them during the summer when I was a kid. It was a big deal to us, and we looked forward to it every year. My parents didn’t have a lot of money, and we hardly went on […]
August 1, 2010

Slumber Party!

Make sure you stop by and visit with me and my friends for the Slumber Party! Special Rates for calls during the Party hours! It is a great time to get to know us all better and partake in our little community! Bring your sleeping bags, pillows, come diapered or in a pretty dress, jammies, babies grab your bottles and favorite stuffed toy! And let us Party Down! Mommy Lauren 1 888 430 2010
August 1, 2010

Hello Kitty Dress

OMYGOODNESS!  Would you look at this wedding dress? It’s beautiful.   Look at the sweet little Hello Kitty on the bust.  Awwww.  This reminds me of winter, like a snow princess.  Doesn’t it you?  Would you wear this?  I so would, to like a costume party or something during the holiday season.  Would you wear this?  I bet you would! *giggles* Jenna 1-888-430-2010
July 31, 2010

My Kinda Crib

Ok, so here’s another gem of an antique. No big crib that locks for my little ones – ohh noooooo!! Hehe. Just enough room to lie down and keep still. I dare say, they did know how to punish little ones back in the day. No squirming allowed here; heck, no squirming here is possible. Can you imagine, laying in here, unable to move, just wetting over and over again, not being able to avoid the rash and bed sores from forming, at the mercy of your keeper. Ya know, […]
July 31, 2010

Not A Good Idea

Enemas can be fun, enemas can be painful, and enemas can be the most erotic thing in the world. But enemas can also damage. There are some types of enemas that a novice should never partake in. One such type of enema is an alcohol enema. Now some people love to take them, because they get you wasted, and wasted fast. So unless you have experience, or a ‘spotter’ lol don’t take them. You could actually wind up in the hospital from alcohol poisoning, or worse, you could actually die. […]
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