July 25, 2010

Jump on in

Doesnt this look inviting! Oh I want to see this sight every morning from my bedroom. I know how hot everyone is this summer and how uncomfy those diapers can be during this heat. So I say we all need to take a good skinny dip! Perhaps we can all raid Suzies house and have that pool party we always talk of! When I get hot there is nothing else i invision but a diamond sparkling water in a large pool ready for me to dive right in! Mommy Sara […]
July 25, 2010

Taking Care Of Your Skin

A lot of the sissies I speak to ask me about skin care. I give them some tips but I thought I would put something more in depth here. So here you go, a few basic things that you should do to keep your skin healthy and beautiful: 1. Protect yourself from the sun The most important way to take care of your skin is to protect it from the sun. A lifetime of sun exposure can cause wrinkles, freckles, age spots and rough, dry skin. Sun exposure can also […]
July 25, 2010


I have been babysitting this weekend, and one of the things we are going to do tomorrow before they leave is play some board games. I haven’t played board games for years! Because there is a reason they are called ‘bored’ games. HA! Anyway, I will be playing Candy Land, Sorry, and some other sort of game, not sure which yet because they haven’t made up their minds yet. So tomorrow when you are going back to work for the dreaded first day of the week. Think of me, pulling […]
July 24, 2010

Bubble Fun

I absolutely love sitting on the front step and just blow bubbles. So when I saw these pics I was thinking to myself, wow now he must REALLY love bubbles! Those are some HUGE bubbles! LOL! Can you imagine the time he put into creating that huge bubble maker, and I wonder what special ingredient he added to his soap mixture so they wouldn’t pop under their own weight. Idk, but they sure look like a lot of fun! Mommy Gina 1-888-430-2010
July 24, 2010

What to wear?

Ever wake up and not know what to wear? For a diaper lover this is should never be an issue, for a Diaper lover they always know what will be the outfit of the day. A diaper but of course. This must be a great feeling to be able to wake up and not be concerned with the dilemma of what to wear. But that is not to say they are not faced with decisions, they must decide should I stay wet and if I stay wet for how long? […]
July 18, 2010

Little Brats

Yeah I know you are out there, I know because I talk to you. I am surprised at how many little bad AB’s there are, well okay maybe I’m not. I like the bad ones actually, since I enjoy discipline in the first place, not give to me mind you, but doling it out to others. Makes me a very happy fetish babysitter! Stacie 1-888-430-2010
July 18, 2010

Disturbing Lullaby

I found the lyrics to this lullaby and thought, awww that sounds just so pretty. Dodo Titit (Haitian Creole) Dodo titit* Si ou pa dodo, krab la va manje ou Dodo titit, krab lan kalalou** Then I looked up the Translation and found out what it means: Sleep Little One (English Translation) Sleep little one, If you don’t sleep, The crab will eat you Sleep, little one. Crab in Okra Gumbo** Yes nothing brings someone a peaceful slumber as knowing that if you don’t fall asleep soon a crab will […]
July 18, 2010


“BRING IN DA FEMBOTS!!!!” Can you tell me and the hubby watched Austin Powers last night? I got to thinking that the fembots could, in fact, be sissies. Who says the fembots have to be women, we don’t know what was under those panties do we? No we do not! I would love to take about 6 sissies and dress them up as fembots and take them out and just walk around with them following me. I think that would be such a fun thing to do! Mommy Sue 1-888-430-2010
July 17, 2010


…yes my dear, part of your sissy training is learning how to be with a man – how to please him, how to touch him, how to react to his touch. Now don’t worry, I’ll be there to guide you through the whole process. I’ll be instructing you how to use your mouth, your sissy hole, your hands, to pleasure whom ever I bring to you, when ever I bring them to you. You will be instructed how to be the perfect little girl, to do as you are told […]
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