June 23, 2010

Need To Get Back To Happy

I’m in a terrible mood today and I really need to shake it off, but I don’t know how, or even if I want to. Sometimes being in a foul mood feels good. I know that’s contradictory but it’s true. There is something comforting about misery, and as the saying goes misery loves company. Now I just need to find a bunch of people who feel the way I do and hang out with them. It will be heaven. The problem is if you allow yourself to wallow too long […]
June 20, 2010

A gift for Fathers Day

I would love to give a special gift to all those Daddy’s out there. Cum, wrap up the day with a treat only a mommy can give. Once the house becomes quiet, after all the guest have left, cum finsih the evening with me, your personal MILF. Mommy is wating to please you in everyway. Mommy Lauren, 1 888 430 2010
June 20, 2010


Look, look, LOOK! This lovely piece of sweet goodness is called a Banoffee Pie! MUST….MAKE…..PIE! This thing almost makes me weep with pure want. It’s a mixture of Dulce de Leche and Banana Cream. Good GOD! I know what I am making tomorrow, and you know what? I think you should make it too, so we can all put on 20 lbs. together, as a team, we will be fat, happy and full! Here is the recipe for you: Crust * 1 cup(s) graham cracker cookie crumbles * 1/2 cup(s) […]
June 20, 2010

The Night Sky

One of my favorite things to do is to go out into our yard at night, lay on my back and look at the night sky. In the quiet calm of the dark with just the stars shinning above me I can relax and day dream. The sky is so vast and beautiful, and it makes me feel so small sometimes, but it also comforts me when I’m stressed. For the last few days I have been feeling just that way, stressed. So last night I went out into the […]
June 19, 2010

I always knew that Kermit wasnt so innocent and not into little miss piggy *giggles* My little brother likes me to play with his stuffed animals, I place them into sexual positions and do little skits. He sits and laughs so hard that his diaper gets all soaky. hehehe Mandy 1 888 430 2010
June 19, 2010

Potty or Torture Chair?

Ok, I have to admit it; I have a fascination with interesting and unusual antiques, items, and old pieces. So it’s no surprise that this old potty chair caught my eye. The fact that there are  straps really peak my interests. Such diabolical torture that must have been taken place in this chair – makes me all a giggle, hehehehe! I’m thinking a triple dose of castor oil and then strap them down for the day! Perhaps even a strategical placement in the public eye!   Mommy Maggy 1*888*430*2010
June 19, 2010

Sore Hiney Blues

This is the official song of the slow pokes of the world. It’s called the Sore Hiney Blues: When the road is feeling rocky And you know you’ve paid your dues When your knees are feeling knocky You’ve got the Sore Hiney Blues The Sore Hiney Blues Mamma, The Sore Hiney Blues Baby You know you’ve got the Sore Hiney Blues The SAGS, they got pretzels And Watermelons too, But when my hineys hurting They say, WE CAN’T HELP YOU! The Sore Hiney Blues Mamma, The Sore Hiney Blues Baby […]
June 18, 2010

Bunnie Love

My secret love are bunnies.  I love everything about them, except their lil bunnie poop that is.  When I was a little girl I used to collect bunnie figurines.  I still have some of them, packed away of course, I’m a bit old to have bunnies all over my house.  Might come across as a bit psychotic, right?  This is one of my favorite bun bun pictures.   Look how cute! Jenna 1-888-430-2010
June 16, 2010

out of the ordinary

Look who is out getting some shopping done. What is it he is buying though? Those aren’t shopping bags. So what’s Ronald up to? I know this isn’t diaper or abdl related, but sometimes you just see stuff out of the ordinary you know what I mean? What kinds of strange things out of place have you seen lately? Mommy Shirley
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