June 5, 2010

Nanny For Bad Boys

Bad boys. I love them. There is nothing like being in charge of a really bad boy. They always think they can one up you, but in reality my mind is quick enough to be one step ahead of them, but I never let on that I am. I love to see the looks on their faces when they do something and I’m right there to put a stop to it. Their mouths drop open, thinking that this time they will get away with something, but little do they know, […]
June 5, 2010

My Cup of Tea!

Girls love to play dress up and believe you me we don’t care who or what you are, if we are in the mood to play and we need a playmate then you will be ours for the taking! I dress up my dolls, my barbies, my pets, and my baby brother! He fusses when I put him in my little ruffled pink dresses, specially the one with the big puff sleeves, but i just giggle and tell him the more he fusses the longer it will take! If I […]
June 5, 2010

Doing Cute

I normally don’t do the cute thing. It’s not me. NOT…AT…ALL! But I found some pictures online and just had to say AWWWWWWW lol. Almost made myself ill doing so too. Wanna see them? Why of course you do, so here they are: Okay I only put three, my favorite is the last picture because they are cupcakes. I love me some cuppycakes! MMMMMMMMMMM! I think I am going to go and make some! Stacie 1-888-430-2010
June 5, 2010


The other day I was sitting there all alone and wondered what I could do….so I went into the nursery where I feel oh so comfortable at….got undressed and put my diaper on…wish I had a playmate who would love to have a mommy but also like to have a playmate in the playpen with them….yeah that is right I might be a good mommy but I also love to wear and be taken care of also…but better yet after mommy get you all ready for a nappy maybe she […]
May 30, 2010

Pillow Pets

Have you all seen the new Pillow Pets? I just think they are adorable. Perfect for our slumbers. I think they will work good with our pillow fights as well as making sure Mommy Sara has enough pillows LOL. Dont forget Tuesday night is the next Slumber Party! Mommie Becca 1 888 430 2010
May 29, 2010

Always a Mommy

My callers always ask me about my job here at www.phoneamommy.com. I tell them how much I love it. Then they ask if I ever get tired of doing Mommy Calls. My answer is always the same, no, no I do not. I have been working here for a long time now, and it’s a pure joy for me to do so. I get to play many roles, Mommy, Aunt, Nanny, Next Door Neighbor, Random Woman who seduces the caller and on and on it goes. Now I ask you, […]
May 28, 2010

Memorial Day

This up coming weekend is a very important weekend for our currant military personal and those who have served in the past. I was looking at some web sites this morning and it brought tears to my eyes. So many moving images and so many stories of bravery and loss. Please remember our vets this weekend and our Military personal and remember to say thanks, because they have fought for us even though they do not even know us. Lizabeth 1-888-430-2010
May 28, 2010

Getting cool

I want one of these sprinklers to play with my abies in. It’s getting warm, and here is a fun way to cool off. Can you picture Mommy rubbing sun block on you and then putting you into your little swimmy diaper so that we can play in the water? I can picture it. It’s warm outside and everyone is getting a little tired of playing blocks and dolls. It’s time to get out there and run under the sprinkler. It’s fun for babies of all ages, even the adult […]
May 27, 2010


Awwww poor….er….uh…whatever that is. Got squashed! This toy just makes me laugh. I think I would give this to someone I really don’t like, I mean it’s the perfect..I Wish You Would Get Hit By A Truck gift. Don’t you think? I can think of about 12 people who I would send it to. And for those of you who say..that’s mean Stacie…yeah well it is mean, but it’s also appropriate for the 12 people who I would bestow it to, so..THERE! Stacie 1-888-430-2010
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