May 16, 2010

ABY's in Space – A Journey to Remember

Part 1 We boarded the spacecraft; Mommy Sara, Mommy Ava, Mommy Maggy, Mommy Scarlet, Mommy Minnie, and Daddy Paul along for the ride were Cameron, ABJessie, and few others we kidnapped for the voyage. Everyone had a job to do. Cameron and ABJessie were in charge of the lights and sounds. Daddy Paul in charge of lasers, Scarlet was in charge of the speed controls, Mommy Maggy watched over the nursery, Mommy Ava set the course, and Mommy Minnie the radio, and Mommy Sara steered. They were a little hesitant […]
May 16, 2010


I know this is a deep subject, much deeper then what I normally talk about but let’s face it, everyone goes through it. I see a lot of posts from ABDL’s and every one else in the in the fetish no matter if you are a sissy, lg, lb or what have you, saying at one point or another that they suffer from depression over this fetish. I also see complaints from people who comment about posts that the poster is being emo. Oh please, they aren’t being emo they […]
May 15, 2010

Baby Gear

Isn’t this precious. Seems like that tattoo culture has invaded every aspect of our lives. I remember when having a tattoo wasn’t so accepted like it is today. I still have yet to get one, but I want one. But only one, I will just have to pick a design or create my own I guess. Anyway, this is so cute, Mommy Forever, I think that would make the perfect tattoo. Your Mommy Forever, Liz 1-888-430-2010
May 14, 2010

diapers on the move

  it would be really nice if abie mommies had changing tables and spots to change our special babies while out and about. Since we don’t we have to be creative in how we change what needs to be changed. Imagine if we didn’t and we could put you in a changing table at the rest area or take you to the ladies room at the travel center where would you love to be changed? I would love to hear your choices and ideas for dream world abie diaper changes […]
May 9, 2010

Saying I Love You

How do you tell someone you love them when you can’t find the words? It’s difficult to tell someone those three simple words, such small words with so much meaning. Everyone wants to hear those words, and know that the person behind them actually does. Love is a funny thing, it can make you feel incredible or make you feel sick with hurt. One emotion that can take you the highest you have ever been, where you need oxygen just to breath, or the lowest you have ever ventured, where […]
May 9, 2010

Mandy's in Charge

My baby brother was left in my care while mom and dad went out for Mothers Day. So I of course was placed in charge. As usual he was a pest so I decided it was time to have some fun with him. I called up my two best girlfriends, once I told them of his secret they couldn’t wait to come and play. So we spied on him as he played in his room and watched as he played in his diaper then we barged in on him! You […]
May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Poem

A mother’s love determines how We love ourselves and others. There is no sky we’ll ever see Not lit by that first love. Stripped of love, the universe Would drive us mad with pain; But we are born into a world That greets our cries with joy. How much I owe you for the kiss That told me who I was! The greatest gift–a love of life– Lay laughing in your eyes. Because of you my world still has The soft grace of your smile; And every wind of fortune […]
May 8, 2010

Super Moms Everywhere

We all know what tomorrow is, don’t we? Hope all you little ones have something special planned for your mommies, ‘cause I wouldn’t want to be you if you don’t! All year she takes care of you and nurtures you and anticipates your every need and want. All without a thank you or a single acknowledgment of her tireless efforts day in and day out! (Are all of you feeling guilty yet? Hehe) So here’s to all you super moms everywhere! Keep the cape in the closet today and take […]
May 6, 2010

You’ll thank me when your older

Are you a problem child? Do you need discipline and a good back hand? I specialize in troublemakers, and I know how to break their will and leave them in tears with diapers around their ankles and a very red ass. The only way to raise a child is with tough love and a heavy hand or a paddle or a belt or a hairbrush or a spatula or a…… Mommy Stella 1 888 430-2010
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