May 1, 2015

Caring Mommy Janey

      I’m a beautiful caring abdl mommy who loves to play with all her abbies. Perhaps you just want to be diapered and cuckolded by your wife but you’re too afraid to tell her? Mommy Janey knows you want to be dressed in pantyhose with lace and plastic panties to become a proper little sissy girl.  You want to be pampered like the little sissy you are don’t you? Well, Now you can! It will be our little secret!  Janey 888*430*2010
February 14, 2014

Valentine Heels

Aren’t these adorable?  Perfect for this special day!  Can you imagine finishing off that special Valentine’s dress with these?  I can see it now – a sweet little red dress, hair swept up in a cute red bow, and lips painted a very sultry red!  Quite the fashion statement!  Oh, and did I mention that it wouldn’t be me wearing these, but you?  NO? How silly of me, heehee!  But you must admit, you being a sissy and all, and a sissy that I insist should always look their best, […]
February 7, 2014

Playing Dress Up

Mommy Scarlet wants to play dress up with you this evening. I already went to the mall to buy you some cute outfits. I am so excited to be dressing you up.   The first thing I bought you was a pink dress with flowers. I know you are going to look cute in it. I also bought you some cute pink shoes to go with your dress. If you want I can fix your hair too. I want to make you look pretty like me.   I have some dresses in my closet that I don’t wear anymore […]
February 4, 2014

punish that abdl

Pike know’s just what to do to push my button’s. He pull’s his diaper off just as I finish changing him. Little stinker believe’s he is being cute and all he is doing is making more work for mommy. I get him to settle down and I have to re-powder and diaper him. Hopefully he will get the hint that it frustrate’s me cause one more time and I will have to punish that abie! So many way’s I can think of getting him to mind me maybe if you […]
January 31, 2014

Diaper Punishment: If You Wear it You Must Use It

You think to yourself, “Well I suppose this isn’t too bad…” as you get used to the feeling of a diaper encapsulating your derrière, your weewee. You think back as to how you came to be in this predicament…   You remember the look of exasperation on my face as I chastise you for the latest offense among a long list of past transgressions.  You remember how my face transformed from one of furry to one of almost sadistic satisfaction.  You thought I was joking when I had said that […]
January 25, 2014

Sensual Spankings

I love spankings – to give and on occasion, to receive. But mostly giving them brings me great joy. One of my favorite fantasies is to be the mean, but yet very hot, next door neighbor. You are too old for a babysitter but, your parents are going away for the weekend and cannot trust you alone in the house. So guess what? They send you over to my house. No, I do not tolerate mischievous boys well. And I let it be known that I am not going to […]
January 17, 2014

Take Your Medicine

Ya know, sometimes I have an ABie that just doesn’t want to listen and do as they are told.  They whine or do naughty things or have themselves a little temper tantrum.  This I simply won’t put up with.   Of course this lands them over my knee for a swift and harsh spanking.  But that’s not all – oh noooo.  Afterwards it’s time for them to take their medicine: a very large dose of castor oil.  Then I just sit back and watch the “medicine” do its work.  I watch […]
January 9, 2014

Adult Baby Phone Sex

Oh my poor, sweet, little Adult Baby – I know you’ve been looking tirelessly for that special AB Mommy just for you.  Now now little one, don’t despair, for I have good news for you!  Your search can come to an end now; Mommy Scarlet is here to take care of you.   How long have you been searching, darling, searching for that sensual Mommy just for you? A Mommy who understands that being an Adult Baby is more for you than just wearing diapers or getting spankings.  You see, […]
January 3, 2014

Basement Sissy Baby

My best friend came over the other day upset and a bit lost – she wasn’t sure what to do with what she had discovered.  You see, she had told me that she recently caught her husband being naughty in the basement and wearing girly clothes – I mean frilly little girly clothes, complete with ruffles and lace, right down to little white ankle socks and Mary Janes.   I big smile came over my face; I told her I knew just what to do with her basement sissy.  If […]
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