June 18, 2013

Sissy Sweater

Mommy Maggie was telling me all about how she wanted to send you to Summer Camp, so when I was shopping the other day and saw this sweater I just knew it would be perfect for a sissy like you! Even though it’s summer time, the nights do get chilly sometimes, so this little sweater with the peenie on it will be just the thing to keep the chill away. And, it will announce to everyone how much your little sissy self adores penis! I can’t wait to see how […]
June 17, 2013

Getting Ready…

Getting ready for our special Father’s Day party took a lot of work, but it was all worth it in the end! I got to go shopping and I bought an entirely new outfit to wear for the party. Pretty lacy panties with a matching bra and a pretty little short dress to wear over my lingerie. Then I went and got some pretty high-heeled shoes to top the whole thing off! The day of the party I spent hours getting myself all ready to play. I had a nice […]
June 16, 2013

You do NOT pick on Mommy Sara’s ABies!

You came home the other day so upset and it just broke my heart! Cuddling you close, I held you on my lap and rocked you while you told me what was wrong. It seems a man who was supposed to be helping you was instead being stubborn, hard to deal with and unprofessional. As you told me the story of how you’d politely asked the man for help, and how he’d acted like he was too good to help you, Mommy showered you with kisses and told you she’d […]
June 7, 2013

Mommy Gets a New Baby Girl

Timmy, my 15 year old son had known how sad Mommy had been because I was never able to have a baby girl. Some one I could dress in pretty things, gossip about boys with, and pass on all my beauty secrets to. After much thought, I devised a plan that would show my boy how he could make me feel better. I had went shopping all day, and it must have been kismet,  because I was able to find everything I needed for my new little girl all in his size! […]
June 5, 2013

Simon Says

Last night at bedtime you were such a naughty little aby. You ran around the house with mommy chasing you to get you into bed, it was time for sleeping but you decided it was time to play a game with mommy. At first I wasn’t upset and played along with you but then you didn’t stop you continued so mommy had to teach you a lesson. You watched as mommy went into her room and appeared again with paddle in hand, you had a sly little grin on your […]
June 3, 2013

Such a Little Crybaby!

Go ahead and keep crying like a sissy! I told you what would happen if you couldn’t act like a big boi, so don’t even start this crying and begging nonsense! If you can’t be a big boi for Nanny, then you’ll be my little girl. No! No sense crying and trying to look pitiful, you were warned and chose not to listen. Nanny has rules, and you have to obey them without question. There now, take a deep breath, dry your eyes and listen to Nanny. Bring your weepy […]
May 31, 2013

My Beautiful Darling

Mommy just LOVES how darling you look in your new dress! I just know that if we had a PhoneAMommy Sissy Beauty Pageant, you’d win for sure! Look how pretty your wavy hair slides over the fabric of your darling blue dress! I could just scoop you up and kiss you all over, my delicious little sissy! I love how big the ruffles make your diaper look, and how chubby your little legs are. I could just eat you up, cupcake! Would you like to go to town with Mommy? […]
May 24, 2013

Sensual AB/DL Mommy Phone Play

One of my favorite things to do in an ab/dl mommy phone sex roleplay is take a bath with my adult baby. I love getting all sudsy and making bubbles in the bubble bath, then bathing my sweet Abie.  We get to play with all sorts of bath time toys – from rubber duckies to wind up toys that swim in the water to soap crayons, and even some special waterproof battery operated toys that make the water bubble up.   Once we get out of the tub I put baby lotion and […]
May 23, 2013

Memorial Day

As Memorial Day approaches, I think about how thankful I am for those who serve. I’d love to show my appreciation, in so many ways. I had a dream last night about it, in fact. I ran into you on some random street and when I leaned up and whispered “Thank you” in your ear, I felt your little soldier begin to salute. Smiling, I told you that I’d love to show you how well I can play the bugle. Intrigued, you laced my arm through yours and led me […]
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