May 20, 2013

ABy Bath Time!

Guess what time it is? Its bath time! Hehehe, now don’t get all squirmy, I know you love bath time! Come on now, get in the bathroom, you’re not getting out of this, ‘cause if your mommy comes home and you’re still all stinky, I’m gonna get in trouble! Here, I got the tub all nice and warm for you and I put in some bubble bath. Go on now, hop in. See, doesn’t that feel good? You can play with your rubber ducky while I use this nice wash […]
May 14, 2013

Sweet Sissy Dreams Little ABy

Now I lay you down to sleep Little Sissy oh so sweet Snuggled up, sucking your thumb We’ll play some more when morning comes Now close your eyes, drift off my dear Safe and sound with Mommy near I hear your breathing getting deep That’s it my ABy, off to sleep Mommy Sara Must be 18+ US & Canada: 1.888.430.2010 or 1.888.938.8382 Intl.: 011.1.714.442.2402 All calls discreetly billed as ‘ME LLC’ // Calls 1.99/min + 2.50 connection fee // Text sessions 1.49/min
May 10, 2013

ABy Is Too Pretty To Pout

Naughty ABy doesn’t want to take a nap, but you must. Mommy is going to tuck you in, all nice and comfy in her big bed for a bit. Will my sweet ABy be happier if Mommy takes a short nap too? Come here darling, and snuggle up against Mommy’s warm, soft skin. Doesn’t if feel nice when Mommy holds you close? The smell of Mommy’s perfume, and the feel of her arms around you, always makes you feel so safe and secure. Hush little ABy, don’t you cry Mommy […]
May 10, 2013

Pay Tribute to your ABDL Mommy

Mothers are everything for us when we are small…our lives revolve around her. For everything that we need, we require, we call mommy. She is the one that protects us from all dangers, both perceivable and unperceivable; she is the one that makes everything right again, that makes us smile and giggle in a world of fear and doubt. Mommy is the one that holds our hand and lets us know she is there for us.  When we need someone to kiss away a boo-boo and make it all better, […]
May 2, 2013

My Fussy, Hungry ABy

Mommy’s ABy is fussy today! I’ve bathed you, given you a fresh crinkly diapey, rocked you, and nothing seems to soothe you. You won’t take your pacifier and you’ve thrown your bottle down everytime I offer it. Does ABy want Mommy’s milk? Does Aby need to suckle on Mommy’s full, warm titties? You take me into your mouth with a contented sigh. With your eyes closed, you snuggle closer, nursing loudly and happily. What a greedy ABy you are! It makes Mommy feel so good to have you pressed against […]
April 26, 2013

Sissification Phone Sex: Play Date

You wanna look so pretty for mommy don’t you?  So does Mommy.  I want you to wear a pretty little dress for all the boys in the neighborhood. We can watch them and you can pick out your favorite boy to play with.  Of course he’ll come over on a “play” date and Mommy will teach you how to be an irresistible little gurl for him.  How lucky he will be won’t he?  He’ll get to play with you (and maybe even Mommy) and he’ll find out exactly how much fun we […]
April 12, 2013

A Nurturing Mommy

A strict Mommy can also be a nurturing Mommy. Now I know my reputation as a strict mommy precedes me, but being a firm disciplinarian is for my Abies’ and Sissies’ own good.  After all, if I didn’t love and care for each and every one of you, I wouldn’t bother with trying to teach you right from wrong.    That being said, even though I am a strict AB/DL Mommy, I am also a loving and nurturing mommy to all my Abies and sissies out there. You see, Mommies […]
March 22, 2013

The Rules of Chocolate

In honor of the Easter Bunny coming with a basket full of yummy chocolates, I thought I would post some fun rules as they pertain to said chocolate.  So without further ado, I bring you…. THE RULES OF CHOCOLATE: If you get melted chocolate all over your hands, you’re eating it too slowly. Chocolate covered raisins, cherries, orange slices and strawberries all count as fruit, so eat as many as you want. The problem: How to get two pounds of chocolate home from the store in a hot car. The […]
March 15, 2013

Pretty Sissy

I love taking my little sissy out dress shopping – especially for her special Easter dress.  Now the stores are always filled with such pretty, frilly dresses that it’s hard to pick just one for Easter Sunday – so naturally I always end up getting two or three sissy dresses.  And of course what’s the point of splurging on all those ruffle-y sissy dresses if we don’t have a mini fashion show, hehehe.  Mind you, her little Easter outfits aren’t complete until I have her bottom thickly diapered and darning […]
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