January 5, 2013

adult nursery mommy

I am a loving,sweet adult nursery mommywho really enjoys caring for all my abdl little one’s. You can come into my nursery to play or to be played with all depends on what you like for the time you are with me. I will have a lot of diapers to change and keep you fresh in. Big comfy cribs and high chairs. Paci’s galore and the more the merrier bring your friends, bring your friend’s friend’s too. There is plenty of play room I have a number of blankies all […]
December 28, 2012

Adult Babies in Disguise

Ok, you have to admit, these are adorable.  Perfect for all you adult babies who don’t want to be recognized for the paci-sucking Abies you are.  Just slip one of these puppies in your mouth and WHAA-LA! Instant disguise, heeheehee.  No one will know it’s you behind that mustache ;).  They won’t look at you sorta sideways, then look to see if you’ve got a thick adult diaper on to match that baby button that’s been popped in your mouth …naaaaahhhh…. LOL! Such wonderful little Adult Babie phone sex sessions […]
December 22, 2012

Disobeying Mommy

You were very naughty at Christmas party last week!  I saw you trying to sneak a sip from Mommy’s cocktail – even after I told you that it was a no-no.  Didn’t I tell you that it was a grown up drink? That it was not for adult babies like you?  But you wanted to be like all the Mommies and Daddies and be a big boy, didn’t you!  Well, you want something to drink do you? Fine, mommy will feed you something special in your sippy cup.  Something that […]
November 23, 2012

Enema for the Holidays

Did everyone enjoy their Thanksgiving!  I hope so.  Sometimes I have a very…unusual thought process.  Take for example this: as I was stuffing the thanksgiving bird, I was wondering – what if instead of stuffing a turkey, I was stuffing another type of white meat, hehe?  I would have buttered and oiled my little apprehensive morsel (namely you 😉 ).  And of course, I would have had to clean out the inner cavity and bowels properly, which means a very strong and effective enema.  I would tuck your knees under […]
November 18, 2012

Public Spanking

I got in soooo much trouble this week! I was at the grocery store with daddy doing some shopping and I did a bad bad thing! Before we even got in the car daddy told me that I better behave myself or he was gonna have to punish me. He said that meant no begging for treats or throwing tantrums. When we got to the store I tried to be a good girl, I really did! But sometimes its just too hard! I got daddy to buy me ice cream […]
November 7, 2012


You know what is coming next, don’t you…you were warned…haven’t I made the rules crystal clear? I am not an unreasonable person, am I? The rules are simple to understand, are they not? And I have explained the punishment for breaking them, haven’t I? Made sure you understood? That you knew what would happen on the first infraction… on the second infraction…for repeated infractions? Did you think that you would be able to do what you did without my knowledge? That I would not find out? Now tell me, tell […]
October 31, 2012

Halloween Scare Phone Sex

So my little Adult Babies and Diaper Lovers and Sissies alike, are we all excited for Halloween?  What do we have planned? Visit a haunted house or a haunted hay ride?  Maybe watch scary movies and stay up all night, peering over your covers and keeping a close eye on the closet door (which, by the way, you could have sworn you closed three times already)?  Perhaps you’re planning on staying in a graveyard till after the witching hour, or performing a séance with some of your ghoulishly fun friends?  […]
October 28, 2012

Forced diapering

There you are you naughty thing I think you need to be taught a lesson some forced diapering is in order! I take your dirty little hand and lead you up to what used to be your room, it is now an abie room. Your eyes get so big as you look around the room, what happened to all of your clothes ,posters,books& things you had in your room? you ask me I shrug and say this is the way it was when I got home from work after I […]
October 21, 2012

Good Night Sitter

The other day I was getting a ride home from one of my ABies daddies. When we were getting to my house he asked if he could walk me in. When we got into my house he thanked me for taking such good care of his ABy. “Someone should take care of you every once in a while,” he said. “Let me put you to bed.” He took me up to my room and started to undress me. Once I was nude he had me lay down while he rubbed […]
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