September 10, 2011

Dirty Mommy Needs to be Stuffed!

I think my son has finally figured out his mom is a slut. He asked me last night why his coach is always in my bedroom? I tried telling him I was just teaching his coach how to “pitch” but he just looked at me kind of confused and shrugged. I just can’t help myself, I LOVE to fuck and variety is the spice of life as they say. I like fucking his coach, his principal, our next door neighbors husband…… my favorite recently was my son’s friends dad who […]
September 7, 2011

Baby’s Day Out

Ready for a fun day out?  I have such a treat in store for you.  We will be going to one of my favorite stores – one that caters to my, shall we say, ‘special’ requirements?  A good outfit always starts with a good foundation, so we will begin there – a satiny pink bra/panty/garter set should do the trick.  Now, now, don’t start with your sniveling and whining, for it falls on def ears.  Your words may protest, but your body gives you away!  You can’t deny it – […]
September 1, 2011

Wet Nurse Nanny

Some say I go above and beyond the call of duty. I just like to give my babies what they need. I know I’m not a Mommy but I can be just as nurturing. When Mommy has too many little ones tugging at her skirts and her titties, Nanny is there to fill those mouths with sweet warm milk. Nanny loves to diaper abies and dress them up, cuddle them and care for them in every possible way. Nanny loves her abies like her very own. Call your Wet Nurse […]
August 25, 2011

Potty Training

Mommy Maggy thinks it time you learn to go potty like a big boy. I went to the store and bought you some pull-ups because that is what abies wear when they get too big for diapers. Now remember while you are playing, if you feel like you have to go to the bathroom, just come tell Mommy and I will put you on the potty, if you go  in the potty then Mommy will reward you with that toy you were looking at in the store the other day. […]
August 25, 2011

Sissy scavenger hunt

While you were out with your Mom today, I went for a scavenger hunt in your room. I found some very interesting items to say the least. Some that your Mother would be like totally freaked out by, if she were to find out. Sissy boy you are busted! Ahh, don’t look so nervous. I’m not gona tell about your panty fetish, not yet anyway. Are you gona cry sissyboi? You Wimp *laughs wickedly* So whats with hiding mom’s panties? Are you a little sissy boy? You are, aren’t you? […]
August 22, 2011

The mommies

You were supposed to be asleep, my adorable honey! But you knew Mommy Crissy had one of her mommy friends over. We started out comparing mommy notes, talking about our Abies. We talked about what diaper brands we loved, the best baby food to use, and our favorite places to shop for our Abies. I opened up a bottle of wine, and we giggled together as we shared our favorite Abie stories! Well, as one bottle led to another, one thing led to another between us! At one point in […]
August 19, 2011

Bad Boys Wear Diapers

Nanny Ella loves teaching bad boys to behave. If you can’t be good, then you don’t deserve to be treated like a big boy. Nanny is tired of bad little boys acting like babies and wanting to be treated like big boys. From now on, if you act like a baby, you will be treated like one. You know what that means, don’t you? That’s right, you naughty boy! Nanny is going to force you to strip down and then I’m going to diaper you up like the little baby […]
August 14, 2011

abdl fun time

What fun things did you love to do as a kid? Were you a hardcore bike rider? Did you skateboard? I remember skipping rope, riding my bike, blowing bubbles, dancing out in the yard, playing house, playing dolls, board games and lots of simple fun things. Growing up is no excuse not to enjoy the things that we used to enjoy as a child. Go to the store and pick up some bubbles or a coloring book and crayons. ABDL folks know how good playtime is for the soul but […]
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