June 26, 2011

Adult Bed Wetter

I have had enough Jeremy; my boyfriend wet the bed again this morning. He makes up these lame excuses that he spilt his water or didn’t dry off well after his shower. OMG these excuses are getting old. I am not going to pretend any longer aiding him in this shard! Nope, not a day longer. “Oh, Jeremy hun, I need you to shop with me today, I want you to help me pick out your Birthday gift.” I knew this was the only way to get him to come […]
June 24, 2011

Naughty Nanny!

If Mommy only knew what goes on when she leaves her little abie at Nanny Ella’s Nursery! Nanny loves to play naughty with little abies. Come sit on my lap, sweety. I’ll snuggle you and cuddle you while you nuzzle into my chest. I’m going to unbutton my blouse and open the front so you can press your warm cheek against my soft tits and find my nipple with that sweet, wet little mouth. It feels so good that it gets me thinking all kinds of dirty thoughts and when […]
June 20, 2011

Naughty Bedtime Story

How about a naughty bedtime story? We all know the story about Snow White and how she hid from the evil queen at the house of the seven dwarfs. Well, let me tell you things weren’t as innocent between them all as some would lead you to believe. In fact, Snow White knew how to look all sweet an innocent to the outside world, but behind closed doors she was a whole different person! After getting stir crazy from cabin fever one night, Snow White had an idea! “I know […]
June 18, 2011


  Bet you thought I wasn’t going to find out, didn’t you?  That you secretly like to parade about in your thick fluffy diapers when I’m away. Such a bad aby, hiding the fact that you are an adult baby!  Oh, but don’t you worry your pretty like head over it sweetie pie, mommy is going to rectify this little over site of yours.  In fact, I am going to do you one better – I’ve decided that being a big abie wasn’t embracing your true inner self.  I’ve decided […]
June 17, 2011

What’s Your Heaven?

  What is Heaven to you? A quiet place that you can escape to when things get to hectic? A type of food that just melts in your mouth.  A certain song or book that makes you feel alive when you hear it or read it?  Or could it possibly be cuddling up with your blankie and paci, in a nice soft diaper and a cute little onsie (or a pretty little dress)?  What ever it is, I hope you are able to find time for it each and everyday […]
June 12, 2011

What I love about phone play!

Most people don’t really understand the benefits phone sex provides. For me personally and I would say many other women would agree, it is a way for women to learn and explore their sexual side. For far too long women have been denied and inhibited by society when it comes to our sexual desires. Also, most of us don’t always have a sex partner when we want and need one. Even if we do, we might be afraid to share and explore our deepest desires. Phone play is an awesome […]
June 11, 2011

Nanny Ella’s Baby Harness

Nanny now has a wonderful adult baby harness with reins, harness, bondage wrist cuffs and diaper restraint. They are made in pink and blue leather, easy to use and soon render baby entirely helpless. Now if you have been a naughty baby, nanny can soon restrain your hands so that you are unable to get up to mischief such as throwing things around the nursery or playing with yourself inside your diaper. The diaper restraint will further guard against misbehavior with the aid of a lockable diaper restraint. Now when […]
June 4, 2011

Normal is as Normal Does

  I hear it all the time – am I normal?  Is it normal for me to love diapers?  It can’t be normal to want to be treated like a baby, can it?  Well let me set the record straight – YES! You are normal!  Let me expand on that…you are normal for you.  And what other yard stick is there to measure your normalcy to? Everyone has their own likes, their own dislikes, their own preferences, and yes, their own idiosyncrasies.  What used to be considered abnormal 50 years […]
June 3, 2011

Water Play

  It’s such a gorgeous day outside!  I thought we could go outside and I would turn on the sprinkler to play in.  We’ll get you down to just your diapy, and you and I can run and jump and play in the sprinkler as it moves from one side to the next – dancing together in the make shift rain as it falls gently around us.  I so enjoy watching you have fun and laughing, and nothing is cuter then seeing a heavy diaper hang low on an adult […]
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