November 27, 2010

Play Date

I always get a devilish little smirk on my face when you tell me your friends are coming over to play video games or what have you. You think I’m oblivious to their looks, their stares. On the contrary, every move I make is deliberate, calculated. The way I saunter past the t.v., swaying my hips from side to side in my tight little shorts. The way my hand lingers on one of their arms, slowly drifting down and across their hand. The way I bend at the waist when […]
November 21, 2010

Diaper Sex!

Cum play with me, Little Girl Mandy. There are a few things in life I love. One is Diapers! And besides from wearing my diaper it is having some diaper sex with you! Yes, You! *points at you* Where are all my like minded Diaper Lovers that wants to have some down right, hot, wet, messy, diaper sex? I miss you and I am sooooo wet and sooooo horny! Cum rub your diaper next to mine!!!! Mandy’s Waiting by the Phone, 1 888 430 2010
November 21, 2010

Are they teasing you again?

Those other ABDL’s at the day care are always up to no good. Teasing and making fun of my little one. Pulling your little panties so tight up your butt you need Mommy Laurens help to pull it back out! Don’t you fret Mommy will make it all better, my sweety pie. I will line your little bottom with a nice cozy diaper to make you feel all better! Mommy Lauren 1 888 430 2010
November 13, 2010


Now I know that all you abies out there have been taught to share and not grab toys out of other little ones’ hands.  But I saw this and I thought it made a pretty good case of when NOT to share, lol!  Now I commend these brothers for sharing and all, but I think there is a point when you have got to put brotherly love aside and say, “get your own!”, don’t ya think?? Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
November 13, 2010

Cleansing It Does a Body Good!

Today’s Lesson is to be cleansed. This is a very important ritual for my little ones and sissys alike. Mizz Rebecca is aware of how cranky ABDL’s can be when they are constipated and sissys with all that anal play, well its a practice I take great pride in performing on you. So lets begin and soon you will be filling those diapers for me! Mizz Rebecca 1 888 430 2010
November 6, 2010

Don't knock it to ya try it!

And if ya havent tried it – What are you waiting for! Recently, in a recent article in Playboy, was a list of things men Must Try and listed was PhoneSex! Yup, you heard it right. It makes sense actually, I mean really, I cannot think of any reason why you wouldnt want to try it. Even if I wasnt a phone girl, I admit, it is something I would want to atleast try. Kinda like food ya know, ya got be open to try everything atleast once. So cum […]
November 6, 2010

My Special Necklace

Like my necklace? Isn’t it pretty? It’s very special. Do you know what I like to keep in my special necklace? Something that a dear friend of mine supplies me with. My dear friend you ask? Oh well now, her name is Momma Katanya, and she is a Voodoo Priestess down in New Orleans. And what, pray tell, are the contents of my special necklace used for? Why to keep little ones like yourselves perfectly still, yet completely alert as to what is happening to them, naturally. You see, I […]
October 31, 2010

Tis the Season to get Scared!!

Love horror movies, even the cheesy ones. There is something very appealing in turning on a good horror flick, feeling your heart race, palms sweat, and blood curdling screams. Once the movie is over, you are more tuned into every little sound, every little creek, you try and tell yourself it is just the house settling. But is it? You madly go through the house, whipping on the lights in every room, certain that you heard something or someone. Yet again, you dismiss it after not discovering anything in your […]
October 30, 2010

Trick or Treat!

Trick or Treat Smell my feet Give me something Good to eat! My favorite part of this holiday besides the treats and the dress up are all the tricks. What tricks might you play on your Mommy Sara? Might you have a stinky diaper that you deny? Might you trick Mommy into believing you’re not my baby by dressing up? Will you trick me into smelling those little feet? Maybe you will trick me into thinking you had less treats then you actually had? Whatever the trick Mommy Sara is […]
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