August 23, 2010

Who needs a hug?

Nurse Betty is feeling extra loving and cuddly today. I think free hugs are in order with any visit to my office! I know an enema, and needles, and just check ups in order can scare you little ones off! Its ok.. If you come visit me, you just won’t get a lolly at the end of our visit. Nurse knows how to take care of her patients and she knows what all you need from her! You better make an appointment soon, its time for a check up! XOXO […]
August 22, 2010


  I hear the abies talk about celebrities they would like to have as Mommies or Sitters. Sometimes I see certain celebrities and think to myself I would love to diaper them. Today it was the magician/illusionist David Blaine. I have no other reason than I think ht would look simply adorable in one. I can’t remember the TV special or interview I saw it in, but he spoke so sweetly about his Mother. It was really touching. So you abies aren’t alone, mommies think about that stuff too.   […]
August 22, 2010

Sissy Boy Jeans

There is a company in South Africa that makes Sissy Boy Jeans. I had a look at their site and some of the stuff are things I would wear. They have some pretty cool clothing. I just imagine all these South Africans walking around with Sissy Boy across their jean pocket. Now the clothing are for women, but I am sure there are a lot of men who buy the jeans from there. I think I might start directing some of my callers there to buy a pair and then […]
August 21, 2010

Demon or Angel?

As with many people, I seem to have an angel on one shoulder and a demon sitting on the other, with both whispering in my ear what to do. My angel says that I should forgive my little one and let his little indiscretions slide. That I should hold him tight and shower him with kisses and love. My demon on the other hand, is telling me that he needs to be punished – severely. A paddling that leaves his hinny red, raw and welted, then forcing him to stay […]
August 21, 2010

Playing Dress Up

How many of you played dress up when you were little kids? I know we used to. And boy were they some really ugly clothes that we had to dress up with. My one niece has a big load of clothing that she uses to play dress up and they are some fancy clothing, not like the mismatched crap we used to have. I’m kinda jealous lol. Anyway, some of you still do play dress up, I know you do because I have seen the pictures! What I want to […]
August 15, 2010

Little Swimmers

I saw these and I thought how cute!! Little swimmers for big babies! Perfect for the beach or the town pool, hehehe. I would lay you down on the blanket, take off you regular diaper (yes, in front of everyone there), and put on your little swimmers. Then after some water fun, I would lay you down once again, get you all dried off (and yes, in front of every one there again), and put a fresh, thick diaper on again. Then some cuddle time while I nurse you, and […]
August 15, 2010

Braids, curls and pigtails

Want to play with me hair? I want to play with yours! Make my little brother all dolled up turn you into such a pretty little princess. While mom and dad are out, we will play with each others hair, I may even have to have you try on Mom’s wigs *giggles* My girl friends might show up so you will turn into an expert. Want to see what a pretty sissy you will make? Then come play with me and my friends! Mandy 1 888 430 2010
August 15, 2010

Enemas…for CATS?!?!?!?

I was googling the word enema today because I like enemas for one, but for another to see if anything new that I have not read or seen would come up. And “Enemas for cats” came up. NOT what I was looking for, nor would I want to even see it! I really feel badly for any cat that has to get an enema. And hopefully people are NOT administering these things at home, unless of course a vet tells them they must and shows them how to do it, […]
August 15, 2010


How many of you drink this stuff? I have tasted it and gosh, not the best stuff on earth lemme tell ya. Granted when I tasted it it was years ago, and I’m not going to go out and buy some just to taste it. I know not everyone drinks this stuff, most of you stick to Milk or Juice, and I can see why after tasting this stuff. Now some of you have told me that the taste has improved greatly. And I have to say I certainly hope […]
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