July 18, 2010

Disturbing Lullaby

I found the lyrics to this lullaby and thought, awww that sounds just so pretty. Dodo Titit (Haitian Creole) Dodo titit* Si ou pa dodo, krab la va manje ou Dodo titit, krab lan kalalou** Then I looked up the Translation and found out what it means: Sleep Little One (English Translation) Sleep little one, If you don’t sleep, The crab will eat you Sleep, little one. Crab in Okra Gumbo** Yes nothing brings someone a peaceful slumber as knowing that if you don’t fall asleep soon a crab will […]
July 18, 2010


“BRING IN DA FEMBOTS!!!!” Can you tell me and the hubby watched Austin Powers last night? I got to thinking that the fembots could, in fact, be sissies. Who says the fembots have to be women, we don’t know what was under those panties do we? No we do not! I would love to take about 6 sissies and dress them up as fembots and take them out and just walk around with them following me. I think that would be such a fun thing to do! Mommy Sue 1-888-430-2010
July 17, 2010


…yes my dear, part of your sissy training is learning how to be with a man – how to please him, how to touch him, how to react to his touch. Now don’t worry, I’ll be there to guide you through the whole process. I’ll be instructing you how to use your mouth, your sissy hole, your hands, to pleasure whom ever I bring to you, when ever I bring them to you. You will be instructed how to be the perfect little girl, to do as you are told […]
July 17, 2010

Pretty Nails

I know these may have caused Lindsay more spectulation as to why she had FU painted on her middle finger but I still love them. Aren’t they sooo pretty? I love all the colors. They must be airbrushed on I never had a manicurist offer to airbrush color on my nails before. But you better believe I am on the hunt for a salon that will! Whos with me? Mandy 1 888 430 2010
July 17, 2010

Taking It Easy

Today I’m going to just enjoy the day.  We sometimes get so caught up in our day to day that we forget to relax.  So today while you are going though your daily grind remember to take a few moments for yourself.  Sit back, listen to some music, read a book, or just day dream.  Sometimes you have to pamper yourself, because nobody else is going to do it for you. *smiles* Jenna 1-888-430-2010
July 15, 2010

Diaper Time

Well mommy was putting little ones down for their nap…after a good diaper changing that is…to find herself sneaking a diaper and trying them on…oh I do love to be in my diaper and have someone around to play with me…so daddy can come home about now and help mommy out….so do you like to change diapers and make mommy your little girl…oh goodie….daddy is so good to his little girl….daddys little girl can’t wait to make daddy so proud of her….ok daddy I will do anything that you tell […]
July 11, 2010

Sock Puppet

How to make your very own sock puppet!!!! Now this is good clean fun folks! lol Things You’ll Need: •Wiggly Eyes •Cotton Socks •Single Socks •3/8-inch Dowels •Styrofoam Balls •Batting •Craft Pompoms •Fabric Glue •Felt •Scrap Yarn •Cotton Swabs •Cotton Swabs •Plastic Drinking Cups •Scissors •Scissors •Construction Paper •Permanent Markers •Pipe Cleaners •Permanent markers •Pipe cleaners Hand Puppet Step 1 Save a single clean sock. The sock needs to be large enough to fit loosely over a child’s hand. Step 2 Gather craft supplies such as construction paper, permanent marker, […]
July 11, 2010

Think About It

This quote is worth remembering, and anytime a friend of mine is to give birth for the first time I tell them this quote. As Mother’s (no I have no children of my own, but if I did I would keep this quote in mind) you have to be very mindful of what you say to your children and the manner in which you say it. A very harsh word can do more damage then a quick swat on the rear end. My Mom taught me that you never speak […]
July 10, 2010


Now this gave me such a tickle when I saw it! Poor little kitty! But then I was thinking, what a wonderful way of keeping an especially naughty little one under wraps, so to speak, hehe. Keeping them wrapped up snuggly and firmly so they can not squirm or misbehave or, heaven forbid, try and touch their little weewee in their diaper (like they try to do so very often, tsk tsk). So after an afternoon, or even a full day and night of being bound and denied of any […]
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