March 14, 2010

St Patty's Day!

How does Mommy Sara celebrate St Patty’s Day? I am not Irish, but I use any excuse as most Americans do to party! And how do I celebrate it, well I have the little paper hats, four leaf clovers and green streamers that I hang throughout my house. My dinner table is set with green plates, napkins and confetti. I make corn-beef, potatoes and cabbage that simmers all day on my stove filling the house with the sweet aroma of cloves. My milk is died green with food coloring for […]
March 14, 2010

A Good Spanking

I am usually very sweet and kind, with just a touch of stern added in. Nothing too over the top, but there does come a time when sweet words said in a terse manner just does not cut it. That is when I have to do something more strict. Some of you have been spanked by me and you know that I try all other avenues before spanking you, and even then I explain to you exactly why you are getting one. Even though it’s a spanking doesn’t mean it […]
March 14, 2010

Hot Dog

Okay this picture made me at first go awwww, then I got really hungry. Lookie at the doggie on a bun! I wonder if it would be the same if there were a kitty on a taco. Anyway, it’s so flippin cute. Normally I do not like these types of dogs, they annoy me, yeah that’s right a whole breed of dog that annoys me from just looking the way they look. But how could you not like this sweet little thing? Stacie 1-888-430-2010
March 13, 2010


Came across this and it gave me a tickle, so I thought I’d share – enjoy! SMUT! by Tom Lehrer Give me smut and nothing but! A dirty novel I can’t shut, If it’s uncut, and unsubt- le. I’ve never quibbled If it was ribald, I would devour where others merely nibbled. As the judge remarked the day that he acquitted my Aunt Hortense, “To be smut It must be ut- Terly without redeeming social importance.” Por- Nographic pictures I adore. Indecent magazines galore, I like them more If they’re […]
March 11, 2010

Mission possible

Attention all my AB/DL’s I have a mission for you this coming week Well do you want to know…what I want you to do…well I hope you can accomplish it for my sake. I want you to put that diaper on and go out into public….underneath your clothes of course silly, hehehe and go out to the local grocery store or maybe to a local restaurant. I want you to wander if they can hear the crinkle of my diaper as I walk past or maybe they smell that powder […]
March 7, 2010

Little Boy Blue

I found this version of the nursery rhyme; I thought it was cute, so I thought I would share it with all of you – Little boy blue come blow your horn. The sheep’s in the meadow the cow’s in the corn! And where is the boy who looks after the sheep? SHE’s under a haystack diapered neat! ____________ Little boy pink come make a wish The stars in the sky send you their kiss As you dream of a world so happy and free Warm in thick diapers being […]
March 7, 2010

Camo Sissy

I live in the South, I know, the best place on earth! How could it not be? I mean, I do live here! Oh my, I am kidding, I am no where near that full of myself. There are a lot of hunters around here though. Always dressed in their camo and orange vests, carrying rifles…..that does not sound very good does it? Let me get back to where I was going to go with this in the first place. Ah yes, the hunters, I had a very odd thought […]
March 7, 2010

Taking Care Of You

Yeah, yeah, I know I’m the evil babysitter. It’s what I am and what I do, BUT I do have a soft side….on occasion. I mean not all of you are bad are you? I didn’t think so, but who knows maybe you are. Which is fine by me, but I have to say, it’s nice to get a call from a good boy or girl once in awhile, so I don’t have to be so strict and discipline all the time. Stacie 1-888-430-2010
March 3, 2010

Am I the only one….

So am I the only one…who thinks that men belong in diapers…..well I know there are lots of other mommy’s out there that feel the same way as I do….that having men in diapers allows me to take total control and make them my little pets….that is what I said my little pet….begging me for affection and attention…mmmm….good boy…I know you will behave yourself or else suffer what mommy may have in store for you if you don’t be a good little one….so go to it and put on that […]
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