February 28, 2010

Furry Fandom Play

Pokeman sure wants to have his way with this little Kitty! Ah, and what fun they will have. Do you enjoy character sex games? Animated creatures need to have fun too ya know! I enjoy these types of calls, they get my creative juices flowing and bring me away from reality for a while. Mommies need escapism also. So little one have you had your cartoon porn today? Sara 1 888 430 2010
February 28, 2010

Cinderella Dress

Do you not just adore this dress? I want this, but I don’t know what I would do with it, it’s not something you can just wear around the house while you piddle about. I cannot believe I just used the word piddle in a sentence lol. Back to the dress. I suppose if my bf ever asks me to marry him I could wear it, maybe I should buy it just in case, but don’t you think a woman buying a wedding dress to have just in case a […]
February 28, 2010

The Moon And The Sky

One of my favorite music artists ever is Sade. Not only do I think she is absolutely beautiful but her voice is simply angelic. She has a new CD out, and I am in love with it. My favorite song off the new CD is The Moon and The Sky, I have been looping it all day today so far, and I have been up now for about, oh over an hour or so. It’s relaxing and just beautiful music all around. If you are looking for something to just […]
February 27, 2010


I sure hope that is not one of my Adult babies on the street tugging on other people, demanding attention! He has no idea the ridicule he will face from me once I learn about his bad behavior! No, No, not one of mine babies for sure. For if I caught him acting badly in public, making a disgrace of himself and embarrassing me, the punishment he would face would be more then he could stand! Mommy Becca 1 888 430 2010
February 24, 2010

Are you a big boy now

So you used the potty the other day…wow Nanny is so proud of you….you tried to wipe but we will work on that…hehehe….so proud fo you…all I keep thinking about is going out and purchasing some of those wonderful pull ups…so I can watch you use the big potty now…there you go….such a big boy/girl….nanny loves to see you try to be oh so big…but that is ok if you had an accident Nanny will still help you get all cleaned up and ready to go out….then we can go […]
February 21, 2010

Mommy’s Panty Drawer

I know what you’ve been doing – you’ve been in mommy’s panty drawer again, haven’t you? Don’t try and deny it, I found my panties hidden in your room. I bet if I checked right now, I’d find you wearing a pair of my best satiny panties, wouldn’t I? Humph, just what I thought! It’s over my knee time young man, for the spanking of your life. What’s that? No more? You’ll do what ever I say? Hehe, all right then, but why stop at just the panties? I’m going […]
February 21, 2010

How are you today? How are those diapers doing? Wet? Does baby need a change? I can see you sitting there, diaper bulky, wet between your legs, you just playing away, unaware of how wet you really are. You smile at me from across the room, and I smile back. Come to me little one and let’s take care of that diapie! Stacie 1-888-430-2010
February 17, 2010

Snow Day

All this time on your hands and don’t know what you should do…well Nanny has the perfect plan….have mommy and daddy give me a call to set up a time to have me come over and take care of the little ones….mmmm….do you say….yeah Nanny does love to take care of all her little ones and make sure that mommy and daddy have their own special time out….baby will like to have a special visit would he not….so let mommy and daddy know that you will be just fine under […]
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