July 30, 2015

Mommy for Diaper Girl

I have so many wonderful sissy boys in my nursery and I just love getting to play with them. I think it would be fun to have some time playing with a sweet diaper girl. She can join us while we play dress up and with all the toys I have for us. I can buy new outfits for my adult babies, the pair of them will look so pretty in their dresses and adult baby diapers! I would hold them to my chest and have them each latch onto […]
July 23, 2015

Adult Baby Diapers from Mommy

My ABDLs love their nice cozy adult baby diapers. I have so many stacks of cute diapers for you in the nursery I made just so you could be safe and have fun with me. I would love to spend some quality time playing dress up and dollies with a sissy boy. Maybe you just need someone to love on you while you suck on some big tits and take in the warm milk to fill you up when you’re hungry. Your crib and changing table are all ready for […]
December 20, 2013

Naughty or Nice?

It’s that time of year again – time for Santa to make his list and check it twice.  And what list will you be on?  The nice list?  Or the naughty list?  Will you be getting a stocking full of toys and goodies?  Or will it be full or coal and a paddle for paddling that naughty little behind of yours?  Will you be spending your Christmas morning opening all your wonderful gifts?  Or will you be receiving a paddling for being so very naughty this year?  Well, all I […]
November 22, 2013

Thanksgiving and Diapers

Is everyone excited about turkey day?  So much delicious food to taste and sample… and let’s face it, gorge upon.  Between all the traditional dishes (i.e. turkey, stuffing, corn, sweet potatoes, etc.) and all those new or special family recipes handed down from generation to generation, your stomach will have to stretch beyond its capacity.  And as always, what goes in, must come out.  Now the question is, will what comes out come out TOO easily or with great difficulty? And will there be a long line at the bathroom?  […]
August 29, 2013


Once upon a time… Once upon a time there was a sweet and loving Mommy named Gina. Mommy Gina dearly loved adult babies. Her whole house was full of diapered adult babies and sissies and all their wondrous toys. She had one whole room to change their diapers and to powder their cute little tushies – that room was always very very busy! There was another room that was full of nothing but high chairs so she and all her friends could feed the ABies too. And of course there […]
February 14, 2013

To all my Sissies, Diaper Lovers, and Abies Alike

Today is a day to let that special someone (or someones) in your life know what they mean to you.  And I am no exception!  I love being a mommy and taking care of all my special little ones, and I wanted to let all of you know how near and dear I hold every single one of you in my heart. You bring this mommy so much joy and happiness, giggles and laughs, as well as challenges and dilemmas.  And through it all I wouldn’t trade one single minute […]
January 26, 2013

Mommy’s Panties

You were going to just ask if you could have a snack, but just as you were about to push on the door that was left ajar, you decide to peek in first instead.  With the door open a few inches, you could clearly see mommy standing there, her back to you, as she unzips her dress.  You see her pink panties, her pink garter belt.  As she slides her dress off her shoulders it puddles around her feet; she steps out of it, and walks over to her vanity. […]
April 5, 2012

Respect your AB Mommy

Don’t Mess with the Ma’am     Ok, I admit it; I like it when little ones (and older ones for that matter) address me with the title Ma’am.  I know some ladies and AB Mommies don’t like it, that it makes them feel like an old lady and they should have names like Agnes or Gertrude or Ester, but I see it as the ultimate show of respect.  Just think for a moment, have you ever tried to question someone when you addressed them as Ma’am?  It just doesn’t […]
March 15, 2012

Exhibitionist MILF

Out for a little Moonlight Swim…   The evening sky is clear, and the full moon hangs in a mystic glow.  A soft breeze tickles my skin as I dip a toe into the warm water of the pool.  Perfect I think to myself.  I saunter over to the table and turn the knob on the player – soft sensual music drifts up from the device, filling the air with its seductive tunes.  I turn up the volume, allowing it to be carried on the winds.  I give a little […]
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