November 13, 2010


Now I know that all you abies out there have been taught to share and not grab toys out of other little ones’ hands.  But I saw this and I thought it made a pretty good case of when NOT to share, lol!  Now I commend these brothers for sharing and all, but I think there is a point when you have got to put brotherly love aside and say, “get your own!”, don’t ya think?? Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
November 13, 2010

Cleansing It Does a Body Good!

Today’s Lesson is to be cleansed. This is a very important ritual for my little ones and sissys alike. Mizz Rebecca is aware of how cranky ABDL’s can be when they are constipated and sissys with all that anal play, well its a practice I take great pride in performing on you. So lets begin and soon you will be filling those diapers for me! Mizz Rebecca 1 888 430 2010
November 10, 2010

Oh Turkey Day, Oh Turkey Day!

Good Afternoon little ones, it’s me your favorite babysitter in the whole wide world *giggles* It’s almost that time of year again! Time for turkey, mashed potatoes nasty yams and lots of pumpkin pie, and after you have eaten it’s time to put you in your nightclothes and that’s where I come in, while mommy and daddy are out at other parties I am here babysitting and ready to change you and give you lots of love. Tell you parents to book me early so you don’t miss out on […]
November 6, 2010

Don't knock it to ya try it!

And if ya havent tried it – What are you waiting for! Recently, in a recent article in Playboy, was a list of things men Must Try and listed was PhoneSex! Yup, you heard it right. It makes sense actually, I mean really, I cannot think of any reason why you wouldnt want to try it. Even if I wasnt a phone girl, I admit, it is something I would want to atleast try. Kinda like food ya know, ya got be open to try everything atleast once. So cum […]
November 6, 2010

My Special Necklace

Like my necklace? Isn’t it pretty? It’s very special. Do you know what I like to keep in my special necklace? Something that a dear friend of mine supplies me with. My dear friend you ask? Oh well now, her name is Momma Katanya, and she is a Voodoo Priestess down in New Orleans. And what, pray tell, are the contents of my special necklace used for? Why to keep little ones like yourselves perfectly still, yet completely alert as to what is happening to them, naturally. You see, I […]
October 23, 2010

Rocking Horse

Where shall we ride off to today? Perhaps to the plains of the wide, wide west, driving a herd to auction? Maybe to Arabia and its hot desert sands, with your horse as your only companion? You could be the star of a rodeo show, roping calves and riding the bronco. But where ever you choose to ride off today, Mommy’s love will always be with you! Mommy Maggy 1*888*430*2010
October 23, 2010

Halloween Customes

So apparently Spiderman is going to be one of the most popular costumes this year for Halloween. I am here to say, I like Spiderman, but what about Spiderwomen? I think Charlotte as a famous spider from Charlotte’s Web was brilliant and fascinating; why not have costumes for a women spidey fan? I mean to say; here we have a mysterious, intelligent, talented, wicked but gentle, charming, radiant, alluring female spider that hasn’t had her fair share of the glory. She is the perfect idea for this year’s women, attracting […]
October 18, 2010

Won't you be my Playmate?

Yes, I would like you to be my new playmate. Playmates have so many advantages; they are not only fun but necessary. We have such hard times across our world right now that it is so important to take time and play every chance we get. It is important to play because it is away to escape and release. So won’t you be my playmate? I sure hope that you will! Playmate Mandy 1 888 430 2010
October 18, 2010

A Boy Named Sue

Well, my daddy left home when I was three, and he didn’t leave much to Ma and me, just this old guitar and a bottle of booze. Now I don’t blame him because he run and hid, but the meanest thing that he ever did was before he left he went and named me Sue. Well, he must have thought it was quite a joke, and it got lots of laughs from a lot of folks, it seems I had to fight my whole life through. Some gal would giggle […]
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