January 29, 2010

Tiger's Weakness

Poor Tiger, out on the green surrounded by all that temptation, the Iron, the Ball, the Hole, the Cup, the Grip, the Threesome, the Foursome, the Laid, the Nuked Shot, the Point of Relief, the Observer, the Stroke, the Rub, the Drive, the Coming over the Top, the Hole in One. Whats a guy to do? Sara 1 888 430 2010
January 23, 2010

Cinderella Crib

Isn’t this just beautiful? It’s a Cinderella Crib, I’m telling you my ovaries are in over drive looking at this. Makes me want to go out right now and get preggie so I can have a baby girl, or a sweet little sissy *smiles* Can you see yourself being placed into this every night? Think about the sort of dreams you would have. This crib is what fairy tales are made of. Mommy Liz 1-888-430-2010
January 22, 2010

Sexual Harrasment

You’re at your desk plugging away with opening the mornings mail and looking over the days schedule, you hear your name called, its Mizz Rebecca your boss. You approach her door way and ask: you called for me?” I nod and ask you to come in and shut the door. I let you know that I am considering you for the upcoming promotion. Your lips quiver as you smile. I tell you that there is just one little thing that is lacking in your performance and in order to be […]
January 17, 2010

Scarf to keep you warm

Here is a great new accessories that everyone should have in their closet this year. It also looks like a great way to keep warm, all snuggled up in portal boobies. I wonder what the laws of incident exposure thinks of this new dress gear? I would love to wear this while walking past the Police station and see what they would say. What do you think, think it would become a scandal here in the US? Well I say its a great Scarf and a Must have! Rebecca 1 […]
January 16, 2010

Baby Blue and Baby Pink

I saw this picture and I thought it was sooooooooooo cute. Pink and blue, baby colors. Plus they are sheep, what’s not cute about sheep? Okay maybe their poop, but I’m not even going there. lol Anyway, this picture is very calming don’t you think? It’s soft, beautiful colors, and sheep make me think of sleep. Do you have a favorite picture that calms you? If so email it to me and tell me why. Maybe I’ll put it up on here for all to see. Stacie 1.888.430.2010
January 10, 2010

A Planet Called Nye!

Let me bring you to another time and place a planet far from earth where fairy tales are real. We will begin by you lying your head in my lap, Close your eyes and clear your mind, you will control your breathing as I command you to. This will help to bring you to a state of total relaxation, to reduce your pulse rate and come under my control. I will begin by describing our flight to Nye as we cross through the galaxies floating and drifting effortlessly through the […]
January 4, 2010

Punishment of the Day

Penelope and Verde are the biggest dimwits of my class. Always pushing the limit with me, thinking they will get away with it. Ha their little pea brains cant pull off any stunt without getting them caught. So to keep up with their dirty deeds, I am needing to up the anti on their punishments. One thing I know they hate the most and thats being humiliated in front of the entire class. Spankings from the Principal just aren’t getting results anymore. I think spankings in front of the whole […]
January 3, 2010

Cold Weather Solution

I found the perfect solution for all you sissies that complain about going out in the cold weather in a short little dress! Aren’t they adorable? And you thought that ruffles on your tushie was good enough – ha! Now I get to darn you in ruffles from head to toe! All the other sissies are going to be soo jealous of you as you go skipping down the sidewalk or play in the park or spend the day at the mall. Oh, and to see these down around your […]
December 31, 2009

Let me Pop your Cork!

What better night to pop your cork then tonight with me on a secret discreet call. Do you have the Hots for that Sexy Boss of yours. Day Dream over that Cute Girl that sits in the cubicle up one from yours. Stumble over your words with the Newest Member of your Team? Jack off to the thought of that Drop Dead Gorgeous Customer jumping you in your office? Well why not sneak away from the Company Party this evening and Give me a Jingle. Let us play out your […]
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