December 27, 2009

Happy New Year

So how was everyone’s Christmas? Hope Santa treated you well and gave you everything you asked for! Did he leave you a new paci in your stocking? Or maybe a new box of diapers under the tree? In either case, I hope everyone has a Happy and safe New Year, and remember, if you choose to fill your bottle with a little holiday cheer, make sure that mommy is the one doing the driving – we want to see you back here safe and sound for the new year!! Mommy […]
December 27, 2009

Stay Warm

You all need to dress warm when you go out side. Make sure you wear your hat, gloves, scarf, and good heavy coat. Being cold is one of the most uncomfortable feelings in the world. This past week we had one heck of a snow storm here in Texas. It was terrible. I had to go outside and shovel snow, something I really hate doing. As I was shoveling, I couldn’t help but think of you all and hope that you were all bundled up as warm as possible when […]
December 20, 2009

Which List are You On?

Well, looks like christmas is just about on top of us.  Now which list do you think you’re on? Will you be on the nice list? Or have you found yourself on the naughty list this year? Have you been nice to all the other ABies? Eaten all your veggies? Done what your mommy has said? Or have you been less then sweet and cooperative? Well, I’m sure you’ll be getting everything you deserve this Christmas, which ever list you end up on *wink*. In any case, have a wonderful […]
December 20, 2009

A Very Special Poem

I was strolling home from work just after midnight Christmas Eve Watching snowflakes softly decorate the houses and the trees, I had worked a double shift and I was tired from head to toe But I chose to walk back home instead of driving in the snow. As I hummed a Christmas song I had a picture in my head Of my children dreaming joyous dreams all bundled in their beds, And I thought of my dear wife who would be waiting up for me With a plate of Christmas […]
December 13, 2009

No No Santa

When I was a teenager, my Mama took my little cousin to see Santa at the local store. I didn’t want to go, I was too old to see Santa and if any of my friends were to see me in line I would never live it down. My Mama made me go, and I stood there, holding my cousin’s hand. I don’t think she wanted to be there either, but my Auntie had asked my Mama to take her so off we went. As both her and I stood […]
December 13, 2009

One BIG Duck

Would you look a this thing for christ sake??? Dear Lord, it’s HUGE! If I saw this thing coming my way I would run, duck or not, this is a 10 on the ‘wtf is that’ scale. I mean seriously, what is the purpose? Is there a Giant Baby Fetish that I don’t know about? One where the Baby is a Giant the Mommy is only 2 inches high or something? What do you think this is for? Certainly couldn’t fit into a tub. Stacie 1-888-430-2010
December 13, 2009

Santa's Helpers

Now you didn’t really think that Santa delivers all those toys every year with no pay back of any kind, Did ya? Well if you did I hate to be the one to burst that bubble, but Santa requires Mommies to be his little helpers. Oh yes, Santa has his desires too and us Mommies know how to please him! We have a great deal of influence when it comes to your Christmas morning. So now what you ask? Well…….. You better watch Out, You better not Pout, You better […]
December 6, 2009


I love it when its time to get one of my ABies into the tub! I always make sure there are oodles of bubbles to play in. And let’s see – there’s a rubber ducky, wind up fishies to swim about, and of course a sponge mitt. And as a special treat, I have soap crayons so my little one can color a pretty picture on the side of the tub for me. I love to get them squeaky clean then wrap them up in a warm, fluffy towel, powder […]
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