November 14, 2009

The Season of Giving!

While all us Mommies add more to our wish list and all you babies write your list for Santa, let us not forget those who may not be as fortunate as us this Holiday Season. Every Year your Mommy Rebecca partakes in helping the Salvation Army prepare meals for Thanks Giving and buys gifts for the local Fire Department Toy Drive. So here is a great site I wanted to share with you in helping you find the right charity organization. Just visit this site and see if there is […]
November 8, 2009

A Special Dress

Oh I found the most delicious dress the other day.  I do so love vintage dresses, and if they have a gothic flare to them, well all the better.  So what do you say we slip this over your head and see how it looks on you?  Then we can take it for a little “test drive” around the block! We could even take a survey on how everyone likes your new dress *wink*!  So whatcha say?  Up for something vintage? Mommy Gina 1-888-430-2010
November 8, 2009

Orion Is Arising

This is one of my all time favorite songs. It’s so pretty. If you can look for it online so you can hear it. It’s a fantastic bedtime song. 🙂 Liz 1.888.430.2010 Orion is arising You can see his stars ablazing Way out here in the middle of a deep blue country sky. And still what is amazing You can see his stars ablazing Way out here where nothing hides it from my eyes. And sleeping outside in a bag as a kid It seems like the best thing that […]
November 5, 2009

Wanna Play Doctor?

I use to love this game when I was young. I recall expanding on this play with two neighborhood boys. I know you would not think this of your Mommy Sara but………now hold on to your diapers, I was the instigator! Yes, it is true, I was very dominant and very young. I use to spend lots of time with them in my closet, in my tent, and before they would leave I would make them kiss me good bye! I would love to relive those days. Anyone want to […]
November 1, 2009

Locked Away

I’ve come to realize there are times that one has to resort to more drastic matters. When trying to teach little ones that they are no longer allowed to use the potty like a big boy (which they have clearly shown that they are not), or having to keep little ones hands out of their diaper, then a pair of locking pants is the ideal solution. And if one has to sit in a wet and messy diaper for a given length of time, these will keep them securely on […]
November 1, 2009

Adult Crib

I love looking at furniture, adult furniture especially. I really like this crib. I can only imagine how much love and attention went into making it. You can tell they enjoyed making it, the long hours, all the crafting, putting the rungs on the sides. I hope this person gets a lot of business because from this picture it looks like they do very nice work. Lizabeth 1~888~430~2010
November 1, 2009

Who Knows What Today Is

For those of you who do not know what today is, it’s All Saints Day, the church moved it from May to November 1st to try to combat the pagan holiday on October 31, 2009. I don’t really think it worked that well lol. There is an adult book store close to where I live that the church put a 30 ft. cross by, and the only thing I can think of when I drive by is WOW, Jesus must shop there! That’s bad isn’t it? Well anyway, for those […]
October 25, 2009

Something for the Holiday

I thought a little something from Lord Byron would be appropriate with Halloween around the corner – enjoy (hehe)!     But first, on earth as Vampire sent, Thy corpse shall from the tomb be rent: Then ghastly haunt thy native place, And suck the blood of all thy race; There from thy daughter, sister, wife, At midnight drain the stream of life; Yet loathe the banquet which perforce Must feed thy livid living corpse. Shall know the demon for their sire, At cursing thee, thou cursing them, Thy flowers […]
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