Let Mommy Comfort You
July 18, 2013
Mommy’s Tinky ABy
July 21, 2013
Let Mommy Comfort You
July 18, 2013
Mommy’s Tinky ABy
July 21, 2013

messy diaperOh don’t worry i heard you screaming well into the night i know you messed that diaper just had to let me know about it didn’t you and mess with my sleep.Thought you would get a nice clean diaper change didn’t you man did you get a big surprise.I reached over and pulled open my night stand drawer brought out my nice little package and opened it up and took those ear plugs and popped them into each ear and went back to sleep all smiling too.

Wasn’t too happy were you too bad you were warned to not make a mess that i was going to get at least one good nights sleep while you were here.You want to sleep and take those nice long naps during the day then at night keep me up and running changing you not happening is it.I think i will start calling you poopy diaper boi. hahahah



Thanks for the awesome pic don’t remember where i got it but loved it for this blog

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