Back to school time is a special occasion for everyone. Back to school is still written on the blackboard in the image.
A Fun Weekend with Mommy
October 26, 2015
A Sissy Barbie Girl the lady was dressed in an extremely deluxe version of a traditional white southern belle attire.
Halloween for Sissies
October 27, 2015
Back to school time is a special occasion for everyone. Back to school is still written on the blackboard in the image.
A Fun Weekend with Mommy
October 26, 2015
A Sissy Barbie Girl the lady was dressed in an extremely deluxe version of a traditional white southern belle attire.
Halloween for Sissies
October 27, 2015

My little boy is so much better as a sissy in a dress. Brian turns into Briana like magic when I slip him into a lacy skirt and top. Briana squeals with delight at anything pink and loves to play with mommy’s makeup. I see how Briana looks enviously at my painted nails, but I can’t let her use my nail polish on her own fingers like she wants- she would make such a mess! My makeup is fine though. She’s darling with a bit of barbie pink lipstick on her chubby baby lips. I brush her hair, sometimes curling it, and always put in a little ribbon bow. She says that her friends tease her but I tell her they’re just jealous of how pretty she is. That makes her blush bright red. She’s the best sissy a mommy could ever wish for! Want to talk to a mommy about your pretty clothes? I’m Mommy Lauren at 888*938*7382   Pink Diaper

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