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December 3, 2009
You Saw Mommy What?
December 6, 2009
Next Up!
December 3, 2009
You Saw Mommy What?
December 6, 2009

This has got to be the cutest named diaper cream ever! But it’s only for good babies apparently. It makes me wonder if there is a Bad Baby Diaper Smear, Cranky Baby Diaper Salve, Whiny Baby Butt Balm. Perhaps not, but I smile to think about it. This also reminded me of all the good babies that call me. There aren’t that many lol. For some reason I get a lot of the bad ones. Maybe it’s just me, I’m like a bad baby magnet. But let me tell you, when I get good boys that call I adore it. The good boys make me happy and they make me smile and fill my heart with joy.



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