A Very Special Poem
December 20, 2009
Which List are You On?
December 20, 2009
A Very Special Poem
December 20, 2009
Which List are You On?
December 20, 2009
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Happy Holidays

It’s a shame that we do all this work for just one day of presents. It’s over so fast. That’s the only thing I really hate about Christmas. I’m always left with this almost depressing feeling for the couple of weeks following the big day. I really do not like feeling that way. So this year, I’m doing things a bit differently. I have 14 presents for myself under my tree, and I bought them after Christmas through May of this year and wrapped them as soon as I got them home. I cannot remember what some of these are, which since I bought them for myself is very odd that I do not. Enough about my bout of psychosis. I am going to only open up one present a day, so that way my Christmas will last 14 days and I figure by that time, I’ll be so sick of vacuuming up the needles from the tree that I will want it all to be over. I’m not sure if this plan will work or not, but it’s better then feeling that post Christmas let down.

presents under the tree

Mommy Lizabeth

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