December 23, 2012
Adult Babies in Disguise
December 28, 2012
December 23, 2012
Adult Babies in Disguise
December 28, 2012
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You are a manslut sissy. You just enough of being regressed and diapered, then
getting a big hard one in you slutty,sissy mouth. Finding it tastes good yes it tastes like cotton candy to you.
Your biggest turn on would be to find your self bound to a high chair with a lot of big men around to use you
anyway they want. They could take each one of your holes and stretch them out to fit whatever they like.
One day they may feel like using your baba to fist you with. Uh oh does little one’s bottom hurt?
Does it feel like you had an exam for a week up there?
Awww, now don’t cry little sissy slut mouth you have a long week ahead of you of more where that came from.



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