Pink Shoes
March 31, 2013
rock a bye abie
April 1, 2013
Pink Shoes
March 31, 2013
rock a bye abie
April 1, 2013

adult baby nurse

Uh-oh… I have a sick little adult baby on my hands. My poor sweet little one woke me up in the night, crawling into my bed with a fever. Oh his sweet little face when he said, “Mommy I don’t feels good,” just about melted me heart. I pulled him close to me and comforted him, “It’s ok honey, Mommy knows just how to take care of you baby.” And of course I do, being a Mommy and a nurse, I’ve learned just about every trick in the book!

I got to work getting a nice cool washcloth for his hot little forehead and went to making him some of my Magical Mommy Betty chicken soup. My sick little one took a nap while Mommy got the soup prepared, so by the time I was upstairs he was awake and ready. With a bowl of warm soup, a coup of hot tea, a cuddly teddy and Mommy close to hold him tight, I knew my ABy would be feeling better in no time. Cuddled up close and cozy I rubbed his little tummy while we watched one of his favorite movies.

Just like any mommy, I know when my little one is sick, what he really needs is just some of Mommy’s medicine – T.L.C. Just a day of cuddling in mommy’s bed with some warm soup and a movie to take his mind off his tummy. Mommy always knows how to take care of her sweet little adult baby.

Mommy Betty


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