Where are all my AB/DLs
August 15, 2008
Littlest Ones
August 27, 2008
Where are all my AB/DLs
August 15, 2008
Littlest Ones
August 27, 2008

Nope, no evil here. I’m just up to no good. You ever have those days when you just feel uncontrollable, that you can’t for the life of you understand why no one else thinks its funny to stick baloney to the kitchen ceiling and wait to see how long it is til it falls off? Ok, so maybe that’s just me. Not that I’ve ever done that and gotten a spanking for it. Nope. No way. *giggles* Are you up to no good? Do you feel like you’ve been so bad you need spanked? Do you need your cheeks to be all rosy to remind you too to behave???

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