ABDL Play Time With Mommy Lauren
April 5, 2012
Diaper Bunny
April 6, 2012
ABDL Play Time With Mommy Lauren
April 5, 2012
Diaper Bunny
April 6, 2012

I have many phone friend’s that are so wonderful to to talk to and now I have a new friend I call him my rubber pants lover. He likes me to hear him moving in his rubber pants and he loves it when I talk about slipping my hand under them.

He loves to slip them on and off while we are in a phone session.
He also is way into diapers loves em can not get enough of them.
We talk about how the smell of the soft plastic brings him back.

How much he likes the sound of the tape on the sides and the cute little pictures that the company puts on the diapers.
His most favorite thing to do is for me to slide on his rubber pants and walk in front of him topless.
He starts to suckle at my nipples then he says he wants mommy’s milk.

Mommy Crissy has enough to go round!
Get a taste of my milk..

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