Mandy's in Charge
May 9, 2010
Mom Song
May 9, 2010
Mandy's in Charge
May 9, 2010
Mom Song
May 9, 2010

How do you tell someone you love them when you can’t find the words? It’s difficult to tell someone those three simple words, such small words with so much meaning. Everyone wants to hear those words, and know that the person behind them actually does. Love is a funny thing, it can make you feel incredible or make you feel sick with hurt. One emotion that can take you the highest you have ever been, where you need oxygen just to breath, or the lowest you have ever ventured, where you feel the flames of despair and pain. They are powerful and spectacular words all rolled into one phrase. So how do you do it? How do you look into someone’s eyes and whisper those three words knowing you are about to change not only your future but another’s life as well?


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